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To All Dog Owners..


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I own a dog, and don't happen to have £250 lying around doing nothing.........

Surely you a contingency plan or insurance to finance treatment if the animal gets ill and when it has its yearly injections ... just build it into that?


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 15:04 ----------


And you should remember that children are not adults- it's in their nature to panic when a large animal comes bounding towards them, and, if their panic freaks the dog out so it nips/bites the child, then the animal will bear full responsibility and be liable to be put down.


The tragedy being, of course, that the true responsibility is not the dogs, but their irresponsible owner who thought it OK to let their untrained (if you can't call it back, it ain't trained) dog off the lease.


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 16:01 ----------



Here's a responsible dog owner. If all dog owners thought like this, people would be much less bothered by dogs.

Any animal by its very nature is unpredictable and can be spooked at the drop of a hat! You can't guarantee that a dog or any other animal will not attack! All dogs should be on a leash in a public place!

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Dogs are a big committment ours has been on £80 a months worth of medication for the last few years and is now needing a lot more care as she is 15 years old.

Holidays abroad for my wife are out [not all bad then ;);)] because no one else would be able to give her the attention she needs it really is a labour of love.

Our dog needs letting out on the garden every two hours a day twenty four hours a day seven days a week.

The vet the other day said she has now got LFE syndrome.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

LIVE FOR EVER.:o:hihi:



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Surely you a contingency plan or insurance to finance treatment if the animal gets ill and when it has its yearly injections ... just build it into that?


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 15:04 ----------


Any animal by its very nature is unpredictable and can be spooked at the drop of a hat! You can't guarantee that a dog or any other animal will not attack! All dogs should be on a leash in a public place!


Ah, now you show us how you really feel.


I completely disagree with your conclusion, although I agree with the premise that animals (like people) are somewhat unpredictable.

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How does your dog get any exercise then?


I just took my parents dog on the field, I checked there were no other dogs or people and walked down with him off the lead.

He found someone else walking their dog in the only spot I couldn't see, and I had to walk over and shove him back up the field (one shove, then he got the idea). No harm caused.


I could have walked him down on the lead, but that would have been pretty pointless unless I fancied running a kilometre with him instead of walking two hundred metres.

Dogs are exercised by walking on a lead. If the owner gets the dog trained so it always comes back when called, then it's appropriate to let it off the lead.


Secondly, the most well trained dog might still have a headstrong moment and ignore the recall command.

Then it's not trained! A properly trained dog always comes back when called. Admittedly, some dogs can't be trained to do that, either because, as is common, uneducated owners get a puppy and leave it way too late before they realise it's out of control, or, it's one of those breeds that have been bred to chase anything that moves.


Still, it's not a problem- if the dog can't be controlled (called back), exercise it on a lease.


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 16:06 ----------



And so the dog owner who you were telling never to let his dog (puppy actually) off the lead. How do you propose that his dog gets exercise?

Put it on a lead- take it for a walk.

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If a dog owner is that poor they can't afford £250 they really shouldn't be keeping a dog! I'm a big believer in microchipping and with the correct formula could be rolled out to humans too. The ID card would never work, but if every human being in this country was microchipped then the authorities could keep a check on criminal movements, illegal immigrants and the like, crime would decrease dramatically. If taken into custody the authorities would just have to scan you to ascertain your identity and track you down anywhere in the world.


Given how trust worthy and honest our MPs, civil service and police force are I can't really see any downside to your authoritarian fascist ideas. </sarcasm>


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 15:10 ----------


Dogs are exercised by walking on a lead. If the owner gets the dog trained so it always comes back when called, then it's appropriate to let it off the lead.

No, they really aren't. Not to the level that they need.



Then it's not trained! A properly trained dog always comes back when called.

Except when it doesn't, because as already stated, they're animals, not robots.

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And you should remember that children are not adults- it's in their nature to panic when a large animal comes bounding towards them, and, if their panic freaks the dog out so it nips/bites the child, then the animal will bear full responsibility and be liable to be put down...


And you should remember that Childen should not be out of the adults control in a public place.


If you can't control your child then it should not be out in public. If you are out walking and a dog comes up to your child, tell them to stay still. Problem solved.


Then it's not trained! A properly trained dog always comes back when called. Admittedly, some dogs can't be trained to do that.......


Contradicting yourself much there dave?


A dog is an animal. No matter how much education it gets from it's owner, if it thinks it will get a better deal by doing something else then it will ignore you all day long. I have seen dogs who are trained to come back when called run off after a rabbit/squirrel. It's their nature.


A dog has every right to be off the lead, unless an order is in place prohibiting that.

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Surely you a contingency plan or insurance to finance treatment if the animal gets ill and when it has its yearly injections ... just build it into that?


Our dog is insured. Because I don't have endless sums of money lying around for every time he gets poorly.


Any animal by its very nature is unpredictable and can be spooked at the drop of a hat! You can't guarantee that a dog or any other animal will not attack! All dogs should be on a leash in a public place!


A cat by its very nature is unpredictable, and can be spooked at the drop of a hat! You can't gurarantee that a cat will not attack. All cat's should be on a leash in a public place.

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