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LoopyLou, where did you get that name!


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Hi LoopyLou, forgive me for asking but where did you nick the name from? I’m an old-timer who once worked in a Working Mens’ Club where the real Loopy Lou was a regular comedian. I think he lived somewhere along the Shiregreen bus route. I often saw him on that route late at night. He was quite a pianist and usually finished his act playing patriotic songs while flags of various countries popped up out of vases. Does any other old-timer remember him?

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Hi Peterw,


Nothing to do with the comedian you speak of - sorry.


My nick name was given to me by my school friends based on my real name and my habit of doing silly things.


e.g. - Doing silly dares like - running through a fire station to nick a firemans helmet. Than later running back in to give it back!

- Twisting my ankle trying to climb a flagpole - and ending up in casualty, where i fell off the bed and sprained my wrist....


too many to mention really ----but loopylou has stuck with me even though I am now very sensible and would never dream of doing such silly things.....;)

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Thanks LoopyLou — I thouht you might have been related to my old, eccentric friend who must surelybe dead by now. He was a great Club act, and I only recently remembered that his name was Loopy Lee —not Lou. However, nice to learn a little bit about you. I left Sheffield in 1951 but keep coming back occasionally when I’m up to it. I’m disabled, aged 76 and still working!

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