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Attempted suicide (at John Lewis shop)


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Oh dear. Life can really suck at that age. I hope it was a cry for help (and is answered) than a serious attempt.


Totally agree, and her despair could be caused by any number of things. Boyfriend trouble, friend trouble, parent trouble etc etc. All these things can seem like the end of the world at that age.

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I am very pleased that someone was there to help this young woman. I hope that she goes on to get the ongoing support that sounds as if it might be needed


By the way, John Lewis have submitted an application for fencing around the car park - see http://publicaccess.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MEGHLMNYFY000




Just noticed that the application has been given a conditional approval so hopefully the work will start soon

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Some poor child is in enough agony to attempt to take her own life and the best response some people on here can make is to indulge in political point scoring and bickering, really that isn't a very appropriate response at at all. If it continues then the thread will be closed and bans issued.

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If only all those who feel some sympathy when hearing about this incident would donate either cash or time on a regular basis to organisations like NSPCC or Samaritans the world would be a better place. That is not a criticism of anyone just an observation.

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If only all those who feel some sympathy when hearing about this incident would donate either cash or time on a regular basis to organisations like NSPCC or Samaritans the world would be a better place. That is not a criticism of anyone just an observation.


Although both are good organisations. Unfortunately it doesn't matter how much money is donated they don't work if people don't contact them. I'm sure this poor girl had heard of them as have many others but once you have reached "that point" then I'm afraid being aware of them & their numbers are pointless. Maybe if instead of taking money away from education more money was put in, more support, proper councillors/guidance teachers, tougher action on bullying, even if adults could remember being that age & how kids dont have the experience yet to realise falling out with your best mate or boyfriend/girlfriend isnt the end of the world, then maybe these kids could be helped before its too late. How many times on here have I read forumers readily ridicule people who are overweight or ugly to the point of saying they are worthless, nothing & should die? Well reading that could be the final insult for some people. It's a cruel world but only because of the people in it

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I would also guess that cuts in benefits, people diagnosed with mental health problems pressure being assessed by non-mental health specialists at ATOS and being thrown off disability benefits, and the increased pressure put on people to accept unpaid work, the rising cost of living and the decreasing salaries are also to blame.


I couldn't have put it better myself.


It's going to increase - You only have to see the number of food banks in Sheffield - and the staggering amount of 'Moneyshops', 'pawnbrokers' 'auto moneyshops' popping up in empty shops premises that went under.


There are also the 'Wonga' type adverts on TV and seemingly endless advertisements for new Online Bingo Sites. We are bombarded with signs of poverty, debt and desperation.


These people are suffering genuine hardship due to the new welfare reforms and the current economic climate - too many major companies going into liquidation and 1000's of hard working people now losing their homes and unable to feed their families due to no fault of their own. Suicides and 'Cry for help' attempts will only increase too - No doubt there would be many more on top of John Lewis, but unable to get up there due to disabilities - That might seem like black humour, but I believe that's what it's coming to.


---------- Post added 19-02-2013 at 21:44 ----------


If only all those who feel some sympathy when hearing about this incident would donate either cash or time on a regular basis to organisations like NSPCC or Samaritans the world would be a better place. That is not a criticism of anyone just an observation.


A lot of us simply can't afford to do that - but I support many Charity Shops by buying in them, and now sending much of my unwanted furniture, household items and clothes due to downsizing home. Nother way is to volunteer - an afternoons free help to a charity saves them a lot of money. Your time is possibly worth more to them than a donation.

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