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Attempted suicide (at John Lewis shop)


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I really hope that the girl gets sorted out with whatever it takes to make her feel that life is worth living again. These incidents are of course becoming more and more frequent due to the spectacularly massive cuts to people in need. They are being driven to total despair by a government of satans. Anyone who is poor is being demonised by this government. They are making people feel worthless just because it makes them feel better and helps add to their already massive money piles. This government truly are evil .


So true, totally agree with you .

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As I read your post, you are sending out the very message you are critising - that 'if you don't have money your life won't be worth living'... Maybe I have misunderstood your post but I disagree with it entirely. You suggest that working in a supermarket is a bad thing? If you mean the scheme that has been in the news lately about the girl who took the government to court, well to me that seems like a badly managed case and is in the minority - but that's for another thread.


MY parents never had a great deal of money and we lived in a rural village that was basically one street with no public transport, so being a teen and too young to drive - it was not a nice place to live. I suffered from OCD and I didn't get any help from my parents and didn't have the courage to contact any charities.


I went out and got a job in a supermarket while I did my ALevels and learned a lot about keeping a job. I struggled to find what I wanted to do for a while but now I have my own business and I own my own house. I don't have much money but I have my husband, my dogs, family and friends and they are the important things. I have never claimed any benefits and I managed just fine with what we had.


If the young girl reads this thread - my advice would be to take one step at a time. Keep a diary because this will help to clear your head. Find something that will help you to relax and focus on - I found painting really helped me and drawing. Being around animals has been proven to help mental well being so maybe find an animal charity where you can volunteer. Ask for help if you have the courage to - a charity like the ones suggested or your GP or your teacher. Take a break from the news and the media. Don't have unrealistic expectations - you don't need money to be happy. Whatever it is you are dealing with - there is always a way forward. Good luck, I hope you can work through things.


Oh what a great post. Bravo you :)

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It is very easy to see how children of that age are in despair. Unless they have rich parents they see a future where they cannot afford anywhere to live, where there are no real jobs and where university education is out of their reach. They face working at some supermarket for their job seekers allowance . They are being demonised by the politicians and tory press


You are making a lot of assumptions there and to make a political point on the back of a young girl's misery is beneath contempt. Typical of today's blame culture.

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If only all those who feel some sympathy when hearing about this incident would donate either cash or time on a regular basis to organisations like NSPCC or Samaritans the world would be a better place. That is not a criticism of anyone just an observation.


This is whats so sad about what you post. Its the fact that if the NSPCC bothered to use their resources to help people rather than political campaigns to stop decent parents giving a naughty child the occasional clip round the earhole or on the leg then we might be in a better place to help children.


I refuse to donate to the NSPCC for that reason. As for the Samaritans they do an excellent job with limited resources. I know a friend at work who works there part time as a phone operator. More resources should be placed to help people.

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