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White groups facing unspoken racism in UK

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Nothing like trying to head-off a problem before it even arises is there?


it depends really. not everyone sees a problem before it becomes a real issue, if we did there would be no problems.


the real issue is enlightening those who do not see the problem or those who refuse to see it under any circumstances.


some will refuse to see anything is wrong because they like it the way it is now, but just look back 5,10,20 or 40 years and you will see how much the UK has changed. There is no evidence to prove things will not change or that they will get better, in fact, it many cases things get worse.

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Undoubtedly there are issues which Mrs Lawrence has touched on - such as the "old boys network" etc which persist in society and it is quite open, though rarely talked about.

And as the article makes clear issues of economic background are also entwined with issues of race.

I can't speak about the situation globally - but whilst there have been racist incidents on white people in this country, I wouldn't be surprised if thses figures are dwarfed by the amount of racist incidents of non white people

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Yes relevant in the sense that white people moving out of certain areas is the oft quoted reason that they are being "forced out"; when the reality is they chose to move to what they percieve as 'better areas'


The rise of the BNP in Barking & Dagenham could be attributed to the influx of immigrant communities in east London, with the gentrificiation of most inner London boroughs more poor whites will be 'forced' out to the suburbs and more poor BME's will be living and working hard in the inner cities.

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The rise of the BNP in Barking & Dagenham could be attributed to the influx of immigrant communities in east London

that doesnt mean anything, just means plenty of stupid people believe the racist claptrap pumped out by the media and the lies given out by the likes of the BNP and EDL etc

just look at it on here for proof

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but it is rarely spoken abouts ays Doreen Lawrence - the mother of black murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence , is this true?




What is she actually talking about?

She doesn't give any examples

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