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Charged over £14 for a custom charge ?

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I have ordered from America before and never been charged extra for a custom charge, I ordered a CD and T-shirt from an official band website but this time, they are charging me over £14 just to get the parcel ! I did not notice anything on the website that there was going to be an extra charge, I had already paid for the shipping which was almost $14 (like always). Since when did the Royal Mail started to do this ?

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Yes, I now understand that it's HM customs that have charged me and not Royal Mail. I have ordered at least 10 times to America before and never been charged this is what I can't understand they must be getting super strict with custom charge now days.


Yeah I'm guessing then I must have been very lucky before then.

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I have ordered from America before and never been charged extra for a custom charge, I ordered a CD and T-shirt from an official band website but this time, they are charging me over £14 just to get the parcel ! I did not notice anything on the website that there was going to be an extra charge, I had already paid for the shipping which was almost $14 (like always). Since when did the Royal Mail started to do this ?

£8 of that is a Royal Mail handling fee.


If your parcel's value (including postage) is over £15, you stand a chance of being hit with import VAT. If the value is over £135, you can add customs duty to that. You've been lucky not to have had a parcel hit by customs before; not all parcels are examined, but they do seem to be cracking down a bit of late.


The change to the regs in January was that the value for 'gifts' was reduced from £40 to £36.


Good luck getting a non-shady shop to mark a purchase as a gift. Most say they won't in their T&Cs.

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