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Steel History Dissertation


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My name is Lizzy Jewell and I am currently in my final year of my History and English degree at the University of Sheffield. I am planning my history dissertation, in which I want to write about the steel industry in Sheffield in the 1980s.


In particular, I want to find out about how the decline of the steel industry impacted families in this period.


I hope to construct an Oral History - I want to conduct interviews with as many people as possible to not only find out what happened, but why, and how people feel about it.


If you have any information, or were part of a family who experienced this period first hand, I would love to hear from you. I appreciate that the '80s were a difficult time for many families who worked in industry, and would be really grateful of any help anyone would be willing to contribute.


Thank you

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The following books might give you a start: That is, if you haven't already seen them.


" Crashing Steel" by Stewart Dalton: Wharncliffe Publishing




"Hell!!, but I'd go back tomorrow": compiled by the Workers Educational Association"



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Hi I googled the title for you and came up with this

hope it helps you




found this for you too


Workers’ Educational Association

Yorkshire and Humber Region

Regional Office

6 Woodhouse Square




tel: 0113 245 3304

email: yorkshumber@wea.org.uk


Give them a call they may have the dvd for you

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