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90 Year Olds story


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My mother is 90 and has written a brief story of her life. She details walking to work during and just after the Sheffield Blitz. Her work as a nurse at Fir Vale hospital during the war. Her life as the landlady of a number of pubs during the fifties and sixties and how our city has changed sometimes for the better sometimes for the worst during her lifetime.


I find it interesting as and I wonder if anyone knew where I could get it recorded permanently maybe for students to read in the future and as a permanent record of one Sheffield womans lfe.

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I know there were similar books by Fred Pass (we'er's Mi Mam) and Alan Pashley (Get thi Ears Weshed") If you got the publisher details from, say, Waterstones, maybe you could approach the publisher and get the book published?


I know the Pass books and others were very popular, and I imagine your mother's books would spark some similar interest.


Good luck! :D

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There's a publisher who does short runs of local books near the end of South Road.


Maybe you could make an enquiry there.


Fred Pass dedicated all the profits to a charity, that could be something to consider and help you with getting it published.


I hope this helps. Good Luck, Popt

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It's Get thi Neck weshed not ears


My bad! lol, I knew it was something that got loppy... hehe. (At least you cottoned on to which book it was that I was referring to)


As I was saying, earlier, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Fred Pass books, and other, similar local history memoirs, and I really do think there'd be a market for this lady's story.


It's of great regret to me that my granny had a stroke, and developed a combination of vascular dementia and Alzheimers, so I never got to record her stories, as I had planned to do. She told me a few of her stories, but I wish I'd have been able to collect more.

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There must be lots of people who say 'if only I'd asked mum, dad, gran when they were still alive.

I know I do. There is so much we will never know now, as all of that generation are now gone.


Regrets? I have a lot.


Talk to them now, record if you can, otherwise write it down.

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There must be lots of people who say 'if only I'd asked mum, dad, gran when they were still alive.

I know I do. There is so much we will never know now, as all of that generation are now gone.


Regrets? I have a lot.


Talk to them now, record if you can, otherwise write it down.


Yes, and it's an excellent idea to look at their old photos with them before it's too late, so that details of who, where, what and when can be recorded. I was amazed to find lots after the death of my parents without any detail attached.

The unanswerable questions then appear.

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My wife & i took our 4 year old grandson around weston park museum today. It was a complete madhouse with the kids being off school, threw that in for a bit of atmosphere!


Point being ,they are featuring a lot of old sheffield times stuff. There are a number of films being shown with interviews with sheffielders old & new.

There's a very amusing, to me anyway, interview with an old couple being shown in the replica old fashioned butchers shop. The couple were married in 1946 & he apparently took her to a strip show [fandance] down attercliffe on their first date! Nearly didn't get a second. Anyway i'd definitely contact them if i was you. That type of material needs collecting & keeping for future reference. Good luck with your efforts.

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