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Social groups in sheffield


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i tried to join 2 social groups recently but was refused by the organisers.. both know me from a separate group, but although i don't have a massively high opinion of myself (maybe i should) i don't think i deserved to be excluded, one due to some hypocritical rubbish he heard or made up about me


it's a shame my social options have to be curtailed by 2 people not that i previously had any problems with them..

i didn't necessarily want to be best buddies with them, but like all other members, want to use a group as a vehicle to meet new people.. as we're all in the same boat


if i wasn't white british i'd claim racial discrimination, trouble is there's no law against blatant social discrimination just because people decide they don't like you. thankfully i've got some real friends, but you can never have enough

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Just to be clear here : I don't know you at all. This comment is based purely on what you have posted.


You say both these people knew you from another group, so they are not just going on someone else's rumour-spreading, but they have decided that you are not going to be an asset to the group they are organising. You didn't have any problems with them, but that may be because they are polite people who get along with others well, and did not bad-mouth you, insult you, etc.


So now they have started organising their own social groups. If they are the kind of people who get on well even with people they don't like, they are people I would want to be the organisers of a group I was joining. "Hey, I like Bob, so anyone he thinks is worth spending time with is probably OK with me."


The fact that they do not think that you are the kind of person they want in their group does not mean that you are being discriminated against. They just think that you tell the wrong kind of jokes, or don't wear fashionable enough clothes, or whatever, for the friends they are inviting to the group.


And yes, they might think you are a git they want to see the back of. We all know there are people like that who don't get the message that they are not welcome. You can tell whether that's true by actually paying attention to those around you - of course most socially undesirable gits don't bother paying attention to other people's body language and learning what fits with this particular social group.


So move on. Invite your friends to do something fun, and let them know that you're using this event as the start of a new social group, and invite them to tell their friends about it. Just as you can never have too many friends, there is no limit to the number of social groups that there can be in this world.

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What exactly is a "social group"? Do you mean a crowd that meets in a pub, or an organised society or club? Is it a common interest group, centred around the love of a make of car, real ale or book club? With membership fees and minutes kept? Just interested.

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