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Hesley Wood Spoil tip


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The destruction of thousands of trees has started on the tip to allow RecyCoal to extract coal from the old tip. The work started before the planning decision had been finally made and the council officer concerned claims they are just trimming branches.


The proposed HS2 rail link will cut the site in two and despite being made aware the council have continued to allow the scheme to go forward even though the final outcome "a country park" may never never become a reality. The Sheffield Star (10 Feb) printed an article which included comments from Mr David Stafford of RecyCoal which claims the line will not be completed for 32 years, however as the line is set for operation from 2032 there will be a maximum of 19 years to complete the work and restore the site for the "enjoyment" of the local community, mathematics is obviously not a strong point for RecyCoal. He also describes the "country park" as being replanted with trees mainly silver birch which contradicts the plans submitted to the council for the site.


Another example of Sheffield City Councils disregard from the community it serves.

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Couple of things that may help people out, how long do they think it's going to take to take out any coal and then make the site good again and if the planning says one thing and some-one else is saying something different then surely a phone call to the planning section may be in order to find out whether the spokes-person was mistaken.

If the rail route ever does become a reality then I'd much prefer them to do the work whilst hopefully contributing to the finishing look of the area.

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Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape about a manky pile of old slag.


Obviously SCC have given RecyCoal the nod to strip the area clean and get out any coal they can before HS2 comes through.


Anyone that thinks it's going to be a wonderful 'nature park' when everything is completed is deluded.

It's got a massive train line ploughing through the middle of it, hardly a gentle wildlife reserve is it?

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The destruction of thousands of trees has started on the tip to allow RecyCoal to extract coal from the old tip. The work started before the planning decision had been finally made and the council officer concerned claims they are just trimming branches.


The proposed HS2 rail link will cut the site in two and despite being made aware the council have continued to allow the scheme to go forward even though the final outcome "a country park" may never never become a reality. The Sheffield Star (10 Feb) printed an article which included comments from Mr David Stafford of RecyCoal which claims the line will not be completed for 32 years, however as the line is set for operation from 2032 there will be a maximum of 19 years to complete the work and restore the site for the "enjoyment" of the local community, mathematics is obviously not a strong point for RecyCoal. He also describes the "country park" as being replanted with trees mainly silver birch which contradicts the plans submitted to the council for the site.


Another example of Sheffield City Councils disregard from the community it serves.


Thousands,really,i dont think so.Its just a big ugly slag heap that has wanted summat doing to it for years,if it hadnt been for all the moaners in the past who complained whenever something was suggested,then maybe we would all be benefitting from it now.

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Has anyone from Chapeltown got a job on the tip? The men up there cutting the trees down are from a company based in Doncaster and RecyCoal stated their experienced workers would be reclaiming the coal - so no new jobs then! The only people to benefit are ReycyCoal!


As for the country park they promised, which won them the planning application - I wouldn't call 12 - 18 inch high saplings a country park.


I am waiting for the tip to slide as happened in Doncaster. Many people will not know that Hesley tip slid in May 1956, causing the fields around Cowley farm to be flooded to a depth of 8 foot. What will happen when the tree roots are no longer there to absorb the moisture and hold the land together? Some things are better left alone. It maybe a "manky pile of old slag" but there are many dangers with changing it.

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