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The Clairvoyant Megathread- all discussion in here please


Phoney or Fantastic?  

228 members have voted

  1. 1. Phoney or Fantastic?

    • Utter claptrap, just releiving the dim of their money
    • Great, helped me no end, wont have a bad word said
    • Sceptical, tell me more.....

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ok -im starting to get the whole forum thing-basically if you are a new member who might not know about old threads,whats been discussed before etc,then KEEP QUIET? so.. should we new folk read all the archives before we dare post anything on here?

Ireally enjoy this forum but the more i read the more cliquey it feels-ive seen people get critisised for their spelling,grammar and for daring to want to discuss smething that was already covered 'in depth' last year.

as a fellow new member shirty,what do you think?

...........id post this for general debate but i fear its alteady been done!

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ok -im starting to get the whole forum thing-basically if you are a new member who might not know about old threads,whats been discussed before etc,then KEEP QUIET? so.. should we new folk read all the archives before we dare post anything on here?

Ireally enjoy this forum but the more i read the more cliquey it feels-ive seen people get critisised for their spelling,grammar and for daring to want to discuss smething that was already covered 'in depth' last year.

as a fellow new member shirty,what do you think?

...........id post this for general debate but i fear its alteady been done!


This is so true:clap:

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ok -im starting to get the whole forum thing-basically if you are a new member who might not know about old threads,whats been discussed before etc,then KEEP QUIET? so.. should we new folk read all the archives before we dare post anything on here?

Ireally enjoy this forum but the more i read the more cliquey it feels-ive seen people get critisised for their spelling,grammar and for daring to want to discuss smething that was already covered 'in depth' last year.

as a fellow new member shirty,what do you think?

...........id post this for general debate but i fear its alteady been done!



I think you've hit the nail on the head :)

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ok -im starting to get the whole forum thing-basically if you are a new member who might not know about old threads,whats been discussed before etc,then KEEP QUIET? so.. should we new folk read all the archives before we dare post anything on here?

Ireally enjoy this forum but the more i read the more cliquey it feels-ive seen people get critisised for their spelling,grammar and for daring to want to discuss smething that was already covered 'in depth' last year.

as a fellow new member shirty,what do you think?

...........id post this for general debate but i fear its alteady been done!


I agree!! I felt exactly the same when i first joined (which was not so long ago).


Alot people on here have there own little groups and private jokes and they unintentionally make it hard for some people to fit in!!!

Then there are those who secretly wish to be mods but haven't got what it takes and so just go through the threads aiming to belittle and some what bully people!! Please dont let these people put you off posting.

There are also those who are really helpful but they all know who they are!

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This is for all those people who seem to have lots of opinions that are wanting to force down our throats so.... go on have your say, get it off your chest!


And in reply to the OP, Im not sure if i believe or not.


I have been to see a couple of clairvoyants and it was quite emotional, I think there good for most people who are grieving! My mum started going to see them when her parents passed away and i think it really helped her come to terms with her loss as it does most people!


Even if it is all fake (not saying it is) believing there is life after death, that our loved ones are in a better place, our loved ones coming through and letting us know that everything is/was OK, can help people grieve.


They give comfort to the majority of people who go to see them and that alone is worth the money to most!

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ok -im starting to get the whole forum thing-basically if you are a new member who might not know about old threads,whats been discussed before etc,then KEEP QUIET? so.. should we new folk read all the archives before we dare post anything on here?

Ireally enjoy this forum but the more i read the more cliquey it feels-ive seen people get critisised for their spelling,grammar and for daring to want to discuss smething that was already covered 'in depth' last year.

as a fellow new member shirty,what do you think?

...........id post this for general debate but i fear its alteady been done!


Best thing to do is ignore it some people who criticise don't even post for fear of reprisal.... just get on with it and things will iron themselves out.


I'm sure every topic has been touched at some stage or another so don't be afraid about posting what is in your mind.... a good bunch on here will always make you welcome.


Clairvoyants.... must admit I am sceptical, I'm one of those that has to see it so I can take it apart and understand how it works...if you know what I mean but that is science and how I define things. Hope it works for you. :thumbsup:

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I totally agree with Jake (as usual :D)


Ignore any funny remarks, they soon stop. You have as much right to post as anyone.


I'm in too minds. I'm not going to dismiss it all as i believe that some do have sort of gift, whether being able to read ppl's past and predict the future, or being able to communicate with those in the past. But i think there's a higher number of frauds then genunie ppl.

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Welcome to Sheffield Forum, you have learnt your first lesson!!!!!!


There are a few people who dont have better things to do than belittle others, particulary the younger ones but hey, thats life. You just need to turn the other cheak and ignore them:thumbsup:

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I've been on here a few months now, and I must say that I've only rarely noticed attempts to deliberately belittle people by fellow posters. I agree that some may express their views in a way which is more forthright than others, and some disputes may arise when views differ, but these disagreements rarely disintegrate to personal attacks.


One of the first things I discovered on here is that if you post about potentially controversial subjects (like mediums/spiritualism), people with differeing views will contribute their 2p. Very rarely do such threads which also ask a specific question (like 'can I have a phone number?') simply answer the question and then get closed.


People see key words and a discussion springs up from there. You've got to accept that not everyone will be sympathetic to your views, and in some cases views will be wildly divergent. It's one of the many reasons why I like this forum. You just have to remember that - in most cases - its the views that are being debated, not the merits of the person who posted them.

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thank you for acknowledging that this is how it can feel to new users of the service- of course people have different ideas/opinions and will express them in different ways -i just think they should be aware that it can come across as bullying. Sorry shirty that ive unintentionally hijacked your thread -i just felt that maybe you were feeling a similar way?. It wont stop me posting though,thats for sure!! x

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