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The Clairvoyant Megathread- all discussion in here please


Phoney or Fantastic?  

228 members have voted

  1. 1. Phoney or Fantastic?

    • Utter claptrap, just releiving the dim of their money
    • Great, helped me no end, wont have a bad word said
    • Sceptical, tell me more.....

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obviously as public site & forum why should we not be entitled to express any opiniow we wish.

some people seem to be either a bit embarassed to ask and receive everyones opinions or just a bit too eager to defend their views by bullying people.

& who says we don't have experience ??






oh by the way i don't want to responses to this post.

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K sorry....guess I was a bit sharp in what I said about the non-believers taking the mick.


You are of course quite entitled to your opinions.


I guess I felt sorry for the early posters who appeared to have a genuine interest in finding someone for a reading.


It's rather off-putting to post a genuine request for information (which is what the forum should be all about) then have to suffer others jumping in to take the mick - which, presumably, also deters other people from posting their more serious replies and comments on the thread.


So, in itself, people making fun of other people's beliefs and interests is a form of bullying. I just thought that people should be free to post a simple request for information without being made to feel stupid or embarassed about doing so.

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Originally posted by willman

who says we don't have experience ??


oh by the way i don't want to responses to this post.


In answer to your question re your experience (presumably you do want an answer to that question, 'else why ask it?)


I didn't say you didn't have experience. What I said was,

"Your ignorance is unbecoming.............to those of us who have experience of the subject that you clearly do not."


You clearly do not have the experience that I have, or you wouldn't take the mick! That's all and what I meant. No more, no less..


I absolutely agree that there are a load of charlatans out there, fleecing the gullible and desperate right left and all over the place. However, that doesn't take away the fact that there are a large number of people around who can testify that they have had 'experiences' that cannot be explained except by a belief in mediums/psychics/life after death, call it what you will.


Happy to have a discussion on this, but unfortunately it's one of those subjects that you either believe (ie, you've had proof personally) or you don't believe (because you haven't had proof personally). There don't seem to be any grey areas.



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I absolutely agree that there are a load of charlatans out there, fleecing the gullible and desperate right left and all over the plac So why do you have to pay for a reading?

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Originally posted by Jon

So why do you have to pay for a reading?


Because people are giving up their time to do something....like a window cleaner or a hair dresser or a Indian Head Massager I guess... or anyone else whose time you pay for.


And you could argue that the people I've mentioned there are trained etc or experienced - but a psychic/medium would (probably) argue that their ability is honed over many years too.


Like I said in my last post, unfortunately you either believe or you don't.


Oh and I've paid my £20 on more than one occasion to someone who I have to say might as well have cleaned my windows for all the value I felt I had from the experience!


But that's a comment on the individual, not on the principle.

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You must have a posh window cleaner or loads of windows :hihi:


I believe if a member of my departed family wanted to talk to me they wouldn't want to me to go to someone who charges £20 or someone i didn't know.



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Originally posted by SHsheff

So, in itself, people making fun of other people's beliefs and interests is a form of bullying. I just thought that people should be free to post a simple request for information without being made to feel stupid or embarassed about doing so.


does that mean I can't make fun of people who believe in fairies, or believe that aliens really run the government?

And what about adults who still believe in santa claus, surely they are fair game for a little mick taking?

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Originally posted by Jon

I believe if a member of my departed family wanted to talk to me they wouldn't want to me to go to someone who charges £20 or someone i didn't know.




That's a fair comment, and if you are honestly interested then you can attend meetings at any of the various spiritualist churches in the area for free. If any of the mediums (either those sitting at the front or members of the congregation/audience who have psychic abilities) get a 'message' thru for you, then you'll receive it for free. Only thing is, you (and they) can't guarantee that you'll be one of the lucky ones who has someone wishing to contact them on that evening.


I guess what you're paying for when you book a session with someone is for their undivided attention for half an hour or whatever.


BTW, don't think that I'm not fully aware that what I'm saying sounds absolutely barking to anyone who hasn't crossed the line, as it were! What I always used to say to myself, whenever anyone I knew talked about this kind of stuff and their experiences was, either this person who I know really well is lying, or they're telling the truth.


Most of you don't know me irl, but you can still hazard a guess as to whether you think I'm blatantly lying (ie, making all this message/psychic stuff up) or whether I'm telling the truth. There is no halfway house.


And if you decide that on balance I'm probably telling the truth, then maybe you'll be prepared to be opened minded in the future in case the opportunity arises whereby you could receive an experience that changes your mind.


No-one could have been more sceptical then me, I can assure you. But hey. Each to their own!

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