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The Clairvoyant Megathread- all discussion in here please


Phoney or Fantastic?  

228 members have voted

  1. 1. Phoney or Fantastic?

    • Utter claptrap, just releiving the dim of their money
    • Great, helped me no end, wont have a bad word said
    • Sceptical, tell me more.....

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Please don't seek out a clairvoyant. You sound very unhappy and the last thing you need in such a state is to be fed a bunch of nonsense by a charlatan.


If you need to talk to someone anonymously, there are people who can help. Try the Samaritans. You could even get in touch with the Sheffield Forum admin (use the 'Help & Contact Us' link in the top left-hand corner) and they can set you up with an anonymous 'Dear Forum' account. People have used it before to discuss sensitive issues and ask for advice. If it's an ongoing issue, then consider seeing your GP and asking about counselling.


There are other ways to get help when you're down and miserble without lining the pockets of a fraud.


I hope you sort it out and start to feel better soon.



Hiya Hecate,

Thankyou for your reply. I have thought about talking to someone about my problems, but the help I need is more then that. I need to talk to someone but the only way would be through a Psychic/Medium. I am so down, I cant get back up. Soon as I feel like I can just about get my head above water, something else will drag me all the way back down again.

Its taken me so very long to open up and ask for help, and now it seems like ive upset some people which I really did not mean to do and I feel so sorry for doing that. I think I will just keep things to my self from now on and then I cant hurt anyone else. Plus I should not be putting all my problems onto others anyway.

So thankyou so so much for your help and advise and I will think about it.

You have been very kind,


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;5139292']Here's a link showing the harm that so called psychics can cause just so your aware of the type of people you may come into contact with who will spout any old nonsense just to get you to part with your cash.....




Clairvoyants/psychics are not worth your time...


Indeed they aren't. In fact all of the paranormal pseudosciences are redundant until someone can pass this:



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I can't help, in any tangible way, but my thoughts are with you.


Keep your chin up, and Beat The Clock. :thumbsup:


Hiya Treatment,


Thankyou, just those short words have made me feel happy, people like you are what people like me need,


Thankyou so much once again,


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Thankyou so much for being so nice. I new that someone would have to be silly, and I know that not every person believes in the help that these people can be to someone like myself.

But that is up to them, I am not going to get mad at them because I like yourself are open to things and are willing to try and help someone if needs be and not to kick them while they are down.

I smiled when I read what you wrote, just a fiew words in someones defense and it ment a lot to me so thankyou :bigsmile:



Your welcome.:)
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Hiya all,

I am wondering if anyone knows of a really good (clairvoyant/medium] arond sheffield please?

I need someone who is a true clairvoyant as Ive had a lot of crap going on in my life within the last 4 years, and 1 of the things that happened had been that bad, had resorted in me being but on anti depressant tablets for over 3 years and the moment I wake up, I for a split seccond Im happy thinking it was dream, then i realise it was just a dream.

I dont want to give you all the ins and outs as I dont want to set you all off with boredom.

If you are going to write silly things, then please think before you do, as I am rite on the edge and totally upset.

I thank everybody who has taken the time to read this, and if anyone has any information I will be so thankful.


Im keeping my fingers crossed,


All thee best to each and everyone of you,


Nicola.xxxx :thumbsup:


Have you tried the shop Airy Fairy on London Road? At least a couple of clairvoyants can be contacted there, and they should be good on advising you exactly what kind of help you might need.

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Have you tried the shop Airy Fairy on London Road? At least a couple of clairvoyants can be contacted there, and they should be good on advising you exactly what kind of help you might need.



Hello Tyranna,

I have been to the shop you talk about but it was to buy some items as I am trying to learn the arts of White Magik.

But I didn't know that you can find Clairvoyant's there. Are they in the shop or are there numbers somewhere in the shop so you would be able to contact them?


Thankyou for your help, and I will look into that,


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Hiya Hecate,

Thankyou for your reply. I have thought about talking to someone about my problems, but the help I need is more then that. I need to talk to someone but the only way would be through a Psychic/Medium. I am so down, I cant get back up. Soon as I feel like I can just about get my head above water, something else will drag me all the way back down again.

Its taken me so very long to open up and ask for help, and now it seems like ive upset some people which I really did not mean to do and I feel so sorry for doing that. I think I will just keep things to my self from now on and then I cant hurt anyone else. Plus I should not be putting all my problems onto others anyway.

So thankyou so so much for your help and advise and I will think about it.

You have been very kind,


You've not upset people by asking. We're just replying by saying your asking for help in the wrong places... Go see your GP and see what they say. They may help you with medication to make you feel less down or even better put you into contact with a counsellor. :)
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;5139292']Here's a link showing the harm that so called psychics can cause just so your aware of the type of people you may come into contact with who will spout any old nonsense just to get you to part with your cash.....




Clairvoyants/psychics are not worth your time...


Scary link. There are some right nut jobs about, particularly the ones who handle snakes in church as a test of their faith.


Why do people still think it's ok for these charlatans to practice? Do you think that some actually believe in their own 'abilities?'

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Hiya Treatment,


Thankyou, just those short words have made me feel happy, people like you are what people like me need,


Thankyou so much once again,



Try not to worry, there are a considerable number of unfeeling ''knobheads'' on here who think that they are clever. Most of them are just clever with computers, and with what their tutors have inculcated into them.


Many are not capable of original thought.

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my mum gose to that clairvoyant and she is great i mean she told my mum about alot of stuff and it has all come true i mean my neice she wernt pregnent when my mum found out it was ganna be a gurl and it was a gurl and my mum was ganna have a car crash with me in it i wunt be injurd and my mum would it is all true i mean when i get the time im going up to find out more imformation

Edited by chelz
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