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How/what is GKR karate?


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If thats is the only style of martial arts you have personally experienced why not just watch another style somewhere else, better still go watch two, or three. Don't blindly believe what you are told about your style, after what you have read on here and on the internet in general you must be at least a little interested as to whether your style is what you have been told it is (in which case we are all talked rubbish), or there re some valid points in this thread which maybe would influence your thoughts / training. It wont cost you anything to find out..

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If thats is the only style of martial arts you have personally experienced why not just watch another style somewhere else, better still go watch two, or three. Don't blindly believe what you are told about your style, after what you have read on here and on the internet in general you must be at least a little interested as to whether your style is what you have been told it is (in which case we are all talked rubbish), or there re some valid points in this thread which maybe would influence your thoughts / training. It wont cost you anything to find out..


Joking aside, this is a very good post, Pete GKR, you obviously take your training seriously and train hard, have a look around at other styles and instructors, it will save you money and other martial artists eyes won`t glaze over when you tell them which stayle you practise.

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How much do you charge per lesson or per month?

£5.50 per lesson for one person.

Little bit pricey, but not unreal

Is there a joining fee?

Yes, it's £21.

Not unreasonable

How much is a licence?


Insurance, both for you injuring someone and/or you being injured. Hopefully instructors have full liability insurance in addition to training licenses.

What hidden expenses are there that aren't known about until a licence is obtained?

Um, the only costs are, registration, lessons, gradings and equipment.

Fair enough


How long is it between gradings ,say up to blue belt, (based on attendance of twice a week) ditto from blue to blackbelt?

Up to blue, from white would be about 13 months, but that's the minimum, it took me 2 years. Blue to black would be 28 months, but again, that's a minimum.

Now that's a bit scary. Blue, I presume that's 2nd kyu in 13 months. It took me 3 years to reach that level, training hard.

Then black in the same time. Black took me 8 years from starting.


What is the lowest grade of any GKR instructor in Sheffield?

I don't know, I don't live in Sheffield. But I've heard of Yellow Belt Instructors, which I totally do not agree with. I'm actually a higher grade than one of my instructors who is teaching me. Instructors are held back through the grades more than students though.

Yellow, like 8th kyu or something, I wouldn't let a yellow run a warmup (well, not without supervision).

Not sure I understand what you mean about instructors being held back. Surely a grade is a grade, if the grade has no teaching requirement then the standard should be the same for teaching/non-teaching people who achieve that belt.


I can't really comment on the instructors or standard of lessons in Sheffield, as I do not train there. GKR is a family orientated karate club, with members ranging from like 6 to like 86 or above. I'm just guessing, but there is a wide range. GKR wins most of the medals at the NAS (National All Styles), so I don't see how it can be seen that GKR is not a very good style of Karate to learn.

Is NAS a competition set up by GKR?


2. What is so special about GKR students that they think they can charge people for tuition and be called Sensei when they may only be a yellow/orange/green belt ?

I don't really agree with lower grade sensei's, but they are all trained to brown belt standard, obviously unless they are black belts, then there would be no point in training them to black belt standard, but they would then go to black belt classes.

If they are trained to brown or black belt standard, why do they not have the grade?


3.Don`t you think the black and white belt is just an attempt to cover the truth that the instructor isn`t a real dan grade along with the line " its disrespectful to ask your instructors grade".

No, I think the instructors belts are a good idea, as they are then all equal, and no one can say "My Sensei is better than yours."

Would anyone do that? I find it very useful to know the grade of an instructor (within my organisation) as it sorts out who's opinion I will give more weight too if there's a difference of opinion.

I've never heard (nor have I) ever cared what the relative grades of instructors are though, it's not top trumps


4. How would YOU feel if you found out your 4th or 5th kyu instructor or "Sensei" was charging you £5+ an class when you could train with a internationally recognised 5th dan for half that.

I am a 2nd dan at Wado Ryu and do not feel entitled to be called Sensei.

Once you have a black belt in GKR, you have one of the best black belts you can get.

Can't see how that can be true if you can get one in a little over 2 years training only twice a week

It doesn't matter what grade the instructors are, they are all trained to a high enough standard to be a Sensei. To become a Sensei, they have to go on a course, and then pass an assesment.

That's a bit worrying, one course and an assessment? I'd rather someone have actually trained in a style and graded through it, then have continuous assessed and taught experience as an assistant instructor before they even contemplated teaching on their own.

If I didn't feel happy being trained by my instructors, I would have left by now, and I think I am being trained to a high enough standard as I have won 2 Bronze Medals, 1 Silver Medal and 3 Gold Medals at GKR Tournaments, I want to compete in NAS soon though. Where GKR win most of the medals.

Maybe you should aim for something more challenging, if GKR win most of the medals then it's not going to be much of an accomplishment for you.

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Yeah I'd like to take a look.



No, it just means that that thread is placed well in Google.




How does it?


If the person in the 1% is good enough, then they will win a medal.


ok, search more on google - if you don't already know, you'll find out...


they will, but if there are 10 medals and 100 competitors, 99 of whom are GKR and one not being GKR, then if he wins one and GKR win the other 9 based on their superior numbers, then GKR could be said to have done well (based on the fact that they made up 99% of the competitors - as stated...)

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from wikipedia...




NAS (National All Styles) - The UK NAS tournaments are mainly judged by the same people used in GKR tournaments as the tournaments are mainly run by GKR.



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Which is it?


How long is it between gradings ,say up to blue belt, (based on attendance of twice a week) ditto from blue to blackbelt?

Up to blue, from white would be about 13 months, but that's the minimum, it took me 2 years. Blue to black would be 28 months, but again, that's a minimum.

Which is 42 months, or 10 years, 120 months?


Why single out blue if that's a middle grade?

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