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How/what is GKR karate?


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That bullshido GKR thread is interesting. Heard things like that before.


Is the NAS competition UK based? How do you enter? Any money prizes? :)


I would love to see some of these GKR champions on one of my fight nights.

I would gladly match some of these guys up for their first full contact fight.

They will be matched fairly, first timer Vs another first timer. I would not stricth them up with a kickboxer who has had say 5 or 6 fights, they will fight a kickboxer with maximum experience of say 2 or 3 fights but not someone with 3 wins.


PeteGKR, please ask your sensei. We have a show in November.

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I would love to see some of these GKR champions on one of my fight nights.

I would gladly match some of these guys up for their first full contact fight.

They will be matched fairly, first timer Vs another first timer. I would not stricth them up with a kicboxer who has had say 5 or 6 fights, they will fight a kickboxer with maximum experience of say 2 or 3 fights but not someone with 3 wins.


PeteGKR, please ask your sensei. We have a show in November.


I'm suprised at you Farhad - i thought you'd be more protective of your fighters. Have you any idea just how DANGEROUS GKR techniques are?



sorry Pete...the above's meant in good spirits...


seriously, get yourself to geoff thompson's place - few people are more respected in terms of RBSD

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I'm suprised at you Farhad - i thought you'd be more protective of your fighters. Have you any idea just how DANGEROUS GKR techniques are?



sorry Pete...the above's meant in good spirits...


seriously, get yourself to geoff thompson's place - few people are more respected in terms of RBSD


Maybe I should change my mind then! :o

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You're lucky I'm even here!


If I wasn't you wouldn't have anyone to argue against!


And I don't really stand a chance when you all disagree with me.


There's only one person here representing GKR, so I don't really stand a chance, but I must say that our Regional Manager accidentally made contact at the World Cup and made someone's face bleed :)


I don't know if they weren't used to being hit or whether is punch was just really good. I think it was most likely a combination of the both.


He was against another Regional Manager by the way.


Nice one Pete :hihi:


as long as you're enjoying what you're doing, that's great, and as long as you remind opne-minded, you won't go wrong. Don't be sucked into beleiveing that GKR is the be all and end all - it's not - but neither is any other system for that matter. i would and always do suggest to people that they try different styles and clubs before settling on one, and i have in the past (on this very forum) promoted clubs/styles which iv'e attended/practised, but on reflection, weren't all that good! if you stay loyal to YOUR aims and needs, rather than a style, and if you remain open-minded and enjoy your training, i can't see how you'll go far wrong (oh, and maybe drop the 'GKR' from GKR Pete' ;) )

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You're lucky I'm even here!


If I wasn't you wouldn't have anyone to argue against!


And I don't really stand a chance when you all disagree with me.


There's only one person here representing GKR, so I don't really stand a chance, but I must say that our Regional Manager accidentally made contact at the World Cup and made someone's face bleed :)


I don't know if they weren't used to being hit or whether is punch was just really good. I think it was most likely a combination of the both.


He was against another Regional Manager by the way.


Hi PeteGKR

I've been away so I've missed alot of what's been going on since my last post.

I've had a very quick scan to get an idea.

Your loyalty to GKR is commendable, you've answered questions as well as you can. I believe your loyalty is misplaced, that's only my opinion, but my opinion means nothing to you, why should it!

However,with your loyalty and enthusiasm you deserve much better than GKR. But, when all is said and done if you're happy doing GKR then stay there.But please make no mistake, PeteGKR,it is not a Traditional Martial Art no matter what your Senseis say or how many glossy mags are distributed by them to that effect.One reason is the fact that there is no contact.This makes GKR nonsense, I'm afraid. There's nothing helps you improve your blocking technique than a smack in the mouth, or any other part of the body. The learning curve rockets. Anyway, some of the advice you've had from this site is good, most of it has just been villifying GKR. Ignore it, that's what happens on here. Try the good advice i.e. have a good look at something else. For instance why not the styles GKR is supposedly made up from GOJU-RYU or SHOTOKAN? I'm told the ex GKR people have been astounded at what they have missed out on when they have trained in a more established Traditional Karate. One last thing, do you do bunkai?

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You're lucky I'm even here!


If I wasn't you wouldn't have anyone to argue against!


And I don't really stand a chance when you all disagree with me.


There's only one person here representing GKR, so I don't really stand a chance.


That has hit the nail on the head Pete, normally we all bicker like 3yr olds on here.(see the sticky at the top) the fact that we all agree, from so many different clubs and styles must tell you something !!!!!

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