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How/what is GKR karate?


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If people are stupid then let them be stupid. Its their money and they make their choice.


The problem is that they probably don`t realize whats going on. Nice shiny tracksuits, flash website, international organization.

Lets look at AFK or the Wicker (where I train) in contrast, neither have the marketing, financial backing or sheer number of bodies,plus both premises could be described as "worn":D

Lets face it Farhad,(skills and qualifications of instructors COMPLETELY aside) on appearances, marketing and approach they look to have a great set up, I know which club Mr and Mrs Smith with no martial arts knowledge at all would choose, its just the GKR content thats tosh.

Now if some one could produce that type of organisation with a great product, WOW !

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On my next full contact show i will be staging a full contact fight a SPECIAL MATCH




I want a GKR stylist and a Shotokan/Goju/Wado/whatever-Do Stylist


Both will have trained the same amount of time in their respective styles and be a similar weight.Let them both do 3x2mins in the ring and see if GKR can hold its own.

If the GKR guy looks evenly matched (win/lose or draw) then GKR will be respected as a proper karate style.

If the GKR looks like a muppet in the ring , then what everyone on this thread says is true!


If GKR dont respond then everyones suspicions are still true.


Fair call???

Some of their area team are very experienced have gained decent dan grades in legitimate styles before selling out for the money. Plus the average student never having fought with any degree of contact, sorting out rules and regs would be a nightmare.

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Please do not in any way, shape, or form call yourself a karateka, you are not, and to say so is an insult to all PROPER KARATEKA! :rant:


well if you would like to come and watch me train or compete in tournaments then you will see just how wrong that is


and on the contact note, our public side is non contact, as a full timer with the club it is semi contact - full contact dependant on your grade level

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well if you would like to come and watch me train or compete in tournaments then you will see just how wrong that is


I think you will find most of us on this forum would prefer to watch a serious martial arts training session or competition, not Boxercise in a Gi.:D

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well if you would like to come and watch me train or compete in tournaments then you will see just how wrong that is


and on the contact note, our public side is non contact, as a full timer with the club it is semi contact - full contact dependant on your grade level



Oh dear, thats the point, I have watched GKR training, and (i use this word loosley)... "sparring". Therfore I know what I said is true.


Come to thin of it calling yourselves martial artists in general is insulting, and why single out karate for mass missinterpretation, pick on another style as well :D


You say you have used what you have been taught by GKR to defend yourself, aginst who a four year old, or a paper bag?

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One of the many sheffield branches of your business, sorry, i mean classes. Hillsborough, the Walkley class to be precise. Any more questions?


And yes there was a 15 year old, with a black and white belt on taking the class, while someone with a black belt on stood at the doorway sending texts.

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well thats not the way it works in derby, anyone using a phone instructor or student would no longer be in the class, the 15 yr old would of been the assistant and should not under any circumstances be teachin a class. if this is happening in sheffield i can in every way understand your feelings towards our club, but rest assured this is not the case everywhere, derby where i train the club is not run like this and any instructor "txting" in classes would no longer be teaching, as i have said i am not in sheffield and cannot vouch for the classes their, i can however vouch for derby

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Kyle, you sound quite hands on - why don't you take up Chefkickers offer and see if you can win some respect and honour back for GKR in the martial arts circles of Sheffield? He runs a good show and will be even-handed, I can vouch that it's not some sort of trick.

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