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How/what is GKR karate?


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Would like to answer your questions if I can


I hope this answers some of your questions.


That might all be very well and good but what you don't address is the way GKR sells (or mis-sells) it's wears!


It is a VERY successful business plan, which is - I guess - one of the reasons that the 'traditional' MAs are nervous of the 'style'.


However, the main reason that GKR is so badly regarded in the MA community is that, although their are professional karate-ka at the head of every organisation who make a living out of their art, they know that there is far more to MAs than 'bums on seats'. Karate and other martial arts has a soul which can only be discovered through hard training and self contemplation, rather than door knocking and pyramid selling business plans!

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There was some talk of a proper inter-style tournament. It might just be between karate stylists but I'm sure we could find some Muay Thai fighters etc. who'd be more than happy to take on a GKR guy....


I guess you could say that about any style of karate though. I'm sure there are some GKR stylists who could handle themselves - as I'm sure there are some Thai boxers who love the art but would be made into mince meat if they competed in the ring!


My question is how can any 'style' which sells/structures itself in such a way guarantee quality of instruction for the vast majority of people paying large sums of money? AND how can the GKR-ka ensure they are not being ripped off? Especially as they are 'discouraged' from trying out other styles!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just spent most of my evening reading about peoples views on GKR karate, and can I ask are most of the replies from men. What does that matter I can imagine you asking yourselves, well how pathetic look back at what you have all wrote, my belts better than yours, my contact is harder than yours, my skill is more skilled than yours. Honestly wake up and smell the roses (quote taken from a northern mother........NOT a master or sempi or some wannabe from ANY martial arts)



HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THE MAIN REASON FOR THESE MARTIAL ARTS? it is for children to learn respect for others and themselves.


My son attends GKR in Manchester, and whilst I agree Sensei's should be black belts, my son has gained more than an art in a 1

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HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THE MAIN REASON FOR THESE MARTIAL ARTS? it is for children to learn respect for others and themselves.



That's the MAIN reason for martial arts? Are you suggesting that's why they came about initially? i think i've just woken up to the smell of manure!


Respect is great, in fact it's integral to at least some systems, but to say it's the MAIN reason, which suggests it's above all other reasons, is, i'm afraid incorrect (at least according to the literature that i've read - i'd be happy to see anything to the contrary though).

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I have just spent most of my evening reading about peoples views on GKR karate, and can I ask are most of the replies from men. What does that matter I can imagine you asking yourselves, well how pathetic look back at what you have all wrote, my belts better than yours, my contact is harder than yours, my skill is more skilled than yours. Honestly wake up and smell the roses (quote taken from a northern mother........NOT a master or sempi or some wannabe from ANY martial arts)



HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THE MAIN REASON FOR THESE MARTIAL ARTS? it is for children to learn respect for others and themselves.


My son attends GKR in Manchester, and whilst I agree Sensei's should be black belts, my son has gained more than an art in a 1


You might be right - most of the posters and repliers are probably male. And? What does that prove? You'll probably find that most of the people practicing martial arts are men. Whether that is right or not is another subject from GKR.


As for the line about the main reason for these martial arts - respect both for others and for yourself is very important (especially in this day and age). It is one of the reasons but depending on why you went into martial arts, it isn't necessarily the main reason. Hopefully what ever the reason - respect develops as a byproduct! (and by the way - there are many arguments on here about whose better than whom in martial arts which involve women as the central protagonists! But what does that prove?)


The big BUT (and it is way bigger than my butt) about the respect issue is that IF all (or even just some) of the stories and descriptions of how GKR is run and taught are true then the organisation is showing a singular disrespect for the people who are paying lots of money - whether adult child or parent.


You wouldn't take your child to a rugby club run by a coach who had only been playing the sport for 4 months would you? You wouldn't take your child to a swimming club which was run by someone who had only just got rid of the arm bands? NO ..... Well if the stories are true then that MIGHT be what you are doing by taking your kids to a GKR club. It's upto you to look into the qualifications within the club if you want to. The club your son goes to might be ideal for him! Great if it is - I really hope he and you enjoy it! But knowing what I know - I would never recommend a GKR club for anyone to go to - not without checking it out thoroughly before hand.


Now if you look back at my posts I hope I have been as balanced as I could be yet still able to express a view without getting into any belt slapping claims! I'm no better than the next person - I know a little bit more than some and a lot less than many! BUT my 20+ years in karate helps me sniff out something that smells fishy and it is my duty to point that out if asked!

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I have just spent most of my evening reading about peoples views on GKR karate, and can I ask are most of the replies from men. What does that matter I can imagine you asking yourselves, well how pathetic look back at what you have all wrote, my belts better than yours, my contact is harder than yours, my skill is more skilled than yours. Honestly wake up and smell the roses (quote taken from a northern mother........NOT a master or sempi or some wannabe from ANY martial arts)



HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THE MAIN REASON FOR THESE MARTIAL ARTS? it is for children to learn respect for others and themselves.


My son attends GKR in Manchester, and whilst I agree Sensei's should be black belts, my son has gained more than an art in a 1


In this thread you have read the opinions of many different martial artists from different styles and backgrounds probably totaling hundreds of years experience, all agreeing on one thing, GKR is overpriced rubbish.

But you and your vast experience obviously know better, you sound well suited to GKR.

What I find "pathetic" is your lack of research to find a decend Karate club and association for you son.

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I have just spent most of my evening reading about peoples views on GKR karate, and can I ask are most of the replies from men. What does that matter I can imagine you asking yourselves, well how pathetic look back at what you have all wrote, my belts better than yours, my contact is harder than yours, my skill is more skilled than yours. Honestly wake up and smell the roses (quote taken from a northern mother........NOT a master or sempi or some wannabe from ANY martial arts)



HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THE MAIN REASON FOR THESE MARTIAL ARTS? it is for children to learn respect for others and themselves.


My son attends GKR in Manchester, and whilst I agree Sensei's should be black belts, my son has gained more than an art in a 1



:roll: Muppet

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