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How/what is GKR karate?


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Before I reply to your messages from my last instalment, most good and one outright rude (but I will get to that later), I want to finish off what I was saying. My computer shut down whilst I was typing.


My son has been at GKR for 1 1/2 years, he is only six years old and he is going for his green belt on Sunday. I know some of you do gooders will be thinking he would have to train for at least 100 years in your 'art' before he could gain his green belt. but he deserves it, he has RESPECT (yes I have said the respect word again!!), patience and most of all works hard at karate and at home.


This in comparison to when I took him to tae Kwando (please don't tell me I have spelt it wrong as I could careless). The class a over sized approx 30 kids to 3 instructors, the noise was unbearable and after 6 lessons the instructors still didn't know who he was. Parents had to sit in a viewing gallery and he got no one on one time. He didn't have a clue what was going on. At the end of each lesson I would approach the Instructors and ask how he was going on, then I would have to point to my son even then they didn't have a clue, all they would say, is that he should practice at home. PRACTICE WHAT NOBODY COULD WORK OUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING. But you are right it was slightly cheaper, but looking long term, he wouldn't have learnt any more, possibly less, the day he decided he didn't want to go back was the day he looked the happiest he had looked in 6 weeks!!!!!


Back to GKR, I know that there are probably better 'art' classes around, but what children want is to learn martial arts and have fun, and by the way you all quote if that is how you teach I would prefer my son to stay with GKR. They also offer family discounts, so when my youngest son starts in May so will I, this way we are all doing something together. I don't want fighters, I want my children to do a sport they enjoy, and have as much fun as possible, and whilst they are doing that, in my opinion there is nothing wrong.


back to some replies I have received from my last message. Someone said I wouldn't allow my children to get swimming lessons from an instructor just out of armbands. YES, your right I wouldn't. But I have never sent my children for swimming lessons, I have taught them myself and karate alike, I don't use the club as a baby sitting service, both myself and my youngest son, have been to every lesson my eldest son has been too. and with GKR you are encourage to sit and watch, not in a gallery but at the sides. So if I thought an instructor was a waste of time I would say so, trust me I wouldn't pay out for something I don't think is right.


Also I would like to dedicate this paragraph to JOHNNY B, who kindly called me a MUPPET!!! I never insulted anybody personally, but you are one of a kind. Because I touch a nerve you had a get personal, how pathetic. What kind of martial arts do you do (origami doesn't count!!), because whatever you do I will make sure my children stay away, as I don't want my kids to end up with LITTLE BIT MAN SYNDROME. I never wanted it to get personal, I just wanted to give my opinion but if you do want to get personal bring it on, I have dealt with bigger prats than you. As for calling me a Muppet, stop for a second, take your eyes of the computer screen and look up....can you see yourself in your ceiling mirrors (you know the ones you use to look at yourself whilst your working out!!!!!!), and what do you see, so who’s the Muppet now. I my field as a therapist, I think you may have some issues possibly from childhood, but be rest assured I am almost positive an intensive course of therapy should sort you out.


Thanks for all the positive messages

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Before I reply to your messages from my last instalment, most good and one outright rude (but I will get to that later), I want to finish off what I was saying. My computer shut down whilst I was typing.


My son has been at GKR for 1 1/2 years, he is only six years old and he is going for his green belt on Sunday. I know some of you do gooders will be thinking he would have to train for at least 100 years in your 'art' before he could gain his green belt. but he deserves it, he has RESPECT (yes I have said the respect word again!!), patience and most of all works hard at karate and at home.


This in comparison to when I took him to tae Kwando (please don't tell me I have spelt it wrong as I could careless). The class a over sized approx 30 kids to 3 instructors, the noise was unbearable and after 6 lessons the instructors still didn't know who he was. Parents had to sit in a viewing gallery and he got no one on one time. He didn't have a clue what was going on. At the end of each lesson I would approach the Instructors and ask how he was going on, then I would have to point to my son even then they didn't have a clue, all they would say, is that he should practice at home. PRACTICE WHAT NOBODY COULD WORK OUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING. But you are right it was slightly cheaper, but looking long term, he wouldn't have learnt any more, possibly less, the day he decided he didn't want to go back was the day he looked the happiest he had looked in 6 weeks!!!!!


Back to GKR, I know that there are probably better 'art' classes around, but what children want is to learn martial arts and have fun, and by the way you all quote if that is how you teach I would prefer my son to stay with GKR. They also offer family discounts, so when my youngest son starts in May so will I, this way we are all doing something together. I don't want fighters, I want my children to do a sport they enjoy, and have as much fun as possible, and whilst they are doing that, in my opinion there is nothing wrong.


back to some replies I have received from my last message. Someone said I wouldn't allow my children to get swimming lessons from an instructor just out of armbands. YES, your right I wouldn't. But I have never sent my children for swimming lessons, I have taught them myself and karate alike, I don't use the club as a baby sitting service, both myself and my youngest son, have been to every lesson my eldest son has been too. and with GKR you are encourage to sit and watch, not in a gallery but at the sides. So if I thought an instructor was a waste of time I would say so, trust me I wouldn't pay out for something I don't think is right.


Also I would like to dedicate this paragraph to JOHNNY B, who kindly called me a MUPPET!!! I never insulted anybody personally, but you are one of a kind. Because I touch a nerve you had a get personal, how pathetic. What kind of martial arts do you do (origami doesn't count!!), because whatever you do I will make sure my children stay away, as I don't want my kids to end up with LITTLE BIT MAN SYNDROME. I never wanted it to get personal, I just wanted to give my opinion but if you do want to get personal bring it on, I have dealt with bigger prats than you. As for calling me a Muppet, stop for a second, take your eyes of the computer screen and look up....can you see yourself in your ceiling mirrors (you know the ones you use to look at yourself whilst your working out!!!!!!), and what do you see, so who’s the Muppet now. I my field as a therapist, I think you may have some issues possibly from childhood, but be rest assured I am almost positive an intensive course of therapy should sort you out.


Thanks for all the positive messages






Martial Artisits can be very touchy, so ignore them.



If they put as much effort into building a good local scene as they do into "Mines better than yours "etc...... perhaps Sheffield would have a thriving Martial Arts scene, from which they would all benefit.

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I have dealt with bigger prats than you. As for calling me a Muppet, stop for a second, take your eyes of the computer screen and look up....can you see yourself in your ceiling mirrors (you know the ones you use to look at yourself whilst your working out!!!!!!), and what do you see, so who’s the Muppet now. I my field as a therapist, I think you may have some issues possibly from childhood, but be rest assured I am almost positive an intensive course of therapy should sort you out.


Thanks for all the positive messages


I'm assuming that the section i've highlighted is inaccurate given your use of the words 'prat' and 'muppet' - Mr Rogers would not be impressed methinks...

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Before I reply to your messages from my last instalment, most good and one outright rude (but I will get to that later), I want to finish off what I was saying. My computer shut down whilst I was typing.


My son has been at GKR for 1 1/2 years, he is only six years old and he is going for his green belt on Sunday. I know some of you do gooders will be thinking he would have to train for at least 100 years in your 'art' before he could gain his green belt. but he deserves it, he has RESPECT (yes I have said the respect word again!!), patience and most of all works hard at karate and at home.


This in comparison to when I took him to tae Kwando (please don't tell me I have spelt it wrong as I could careless). The class a over sized approx 30 kids to 3 instructors, the noise was unbearable and after 6 lessons the instructors still didn't know who he was. Parents had to sit in a viewing gallery and he got no one on one time. He didn't have a clue what was going on. At the end of each lesson I would approach the Instructors and ask how he was going on, then I would have to point to my son even then they didn't have a clue, all they would say, is that he should practice at home. PRACTICE WHAT NOBODY COULD WORK OUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING. But you are right it was slightly cheaper, but looking long term, he wouldn't have learnt any more, possibly less, the day he decided he didn't want to go back was the day he looked the happiest he had looked in 6 weeks!!!!!


Back to GKR, I know that there are probably better 'art' classes around, but what children want is to learn martial arts and have fun, and by the way you all quote if that is how you teach I would prefer my son to stay with GKR. They also offer family discounts, so when my youngest son starts in May so will I, this way we are all doing something together. I don't want fighters, I want my children to do a sport they enjoy, and have as much fun as possible, and whilst they are doing that, in my opinion there is nothing wrong.


back to some replies I have received from my last message. Someone said I wouldn't allow my children to get swimming lessons from an instructor just out of armbands. YES, your right I wouldn't. But I have never sent my children for swimming lessons, I have taught them myself and karate alike, I don't use the club as a baby sitting service, both myself and my youngest son, have been to every lesson my eldest son has been too. and with GKR you are encourage to sit and watch, not in a gallery but at the sides. So if I thought an instructor was a waste of time I would say so, trust me I wouldn't pay out for something I don't think is right.


Also I would like to dedicate this paragraph to JOHNNY B, who kindly called me a MUPPET!!! I never insulted anybody personally, but you are one of a kind. Because I touch a nerve you had a get personal, how pathetic. What kind of martial arts do you do (origami doesn't count!!), because whatever you do I will make sure my children stay away, as I don't want my kids to end up with LITTLE BIT MAN SYNDROME. I never wanted it to get personal, I just wanted to give my opinion but if you do want to get personal bring it on, I have dealt with bigger prats than you. As for calling me a Muppet, stop for a second, take your eyes of the computer screen and look up....can you see yourself in your ceiling mirrors (you know the ones you use to look at yourself whilst your working out!!!!!!), and what do you see, so who’s the Muppet now. I my field as a therapist, I think you may have some issues possibly from childhood, but be rest assured I am almost positive an intensive course of therapy should sort you out.


Thanks for all the positive messages



Ok then,


You did not even get close to touching a nerve with me darling, I just could be bothered to point out your flawed thoughts about GKR as it has been covered time and time again on many many site around the world, go have a look for yourself, or maybe you don't quite like seeing that your wrong??


What's little bit man syndrome? I'll take a wild guess you meant 'big'. I most certainly do not have that, I'm more than happy with myself, my opinions, and feel I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.


I'm, not going to go into what I have done, not much point, but my main art were shotokan, and respect was of the utmost importance, along with technique, from my experience of gkr (yes I have been and seen it) neither of these are thought properly at all. by the way i have also dabbled in BJJ and Muay thai.I have total respect for all martial arts, be they comabitve, exteral, internal, for relaxation or for show. GKr however is none of these.


You seem like you have swallowed the gkr advertising hook line and sinker, nevermind most people realise it and leave after a while, maybe you will one day..


There have never been any mirrors in the dojo's I have trained in, nor is there were I go running outside, since they are the only forms of working out I do, you're wrong yet again love.


and it's "Taekwondo" since you said you "I could careless"


One more point "if you do want to get personal bring it on", never ever ever should someone from gkr say that. :D

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Ms Doyle, you omit one important factor, your son may work very hard and deserve his belts and also might have a very good instructor. The fact is, GKR grades are not held in much regard outside GKR. Put in laymans terms how keen would you be for your son to flog his guts out for an "o" level if it was only valid for one company. If you had joined an organization like the KUGB or JKA any grades would be respected worldwide.

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Johnny B, I have just read your reply and quite frankly you are boring me now. To the point where what you say has no meaning to me. Just a couple of things, firstly, trust me I haven't swallowed the GKR brochure, my main point is my son enjoys it and as long as he does and his brother when he joins they will stay there. I also said before I know that there are better 'arts' around and when and if my sons want to change when they are older they are free to do so.


Also, re-read what I typed I didn't say there was mirrors in dojos, I said above you where you live.


Finally, I do mean little big man sydrome.


Anyway, I have to go now, my life is more than typing to you or listening to the merits of your art. take care and I wish you luck in your future.

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Hello everyone here, I have just read nearly every message in this thread.


The only time I've ever done martial arts was for a few months when I was younger. I forgot what the style was, other than Karate, and I'm guessing a few months is okay before going for a first grading?


Well anyway, I wanted to take up a form of Martial Arts - preferably karate - and GKR came to my door. My girlfriend said she'd been to it before and that she liked it but now that I've read through this I'm having doubts. Also to mention it's £5.50, when my first dojo I went to only charged £2 and there was no initial £25 signing up deal.


More to the point and less rambling:


I live in the small town of Withernsea near Hull so GKR is the only Martial Arts class in my town; I don't know if I'd be allowed to travel to Hull to search for a better class.


Should I even bother with GKR, or should I try to travel through to the closest city?


Also I DO want to take Martial Arts seriously.


Any help would be appreciated :thumbsup:



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First thing Hatake-Kakas. Don't put your age on the website!!! Second, if GKR is the only Martial Arts reasonably near to you then, sorry mate, you ain't got much choice.

Really, only you (and your parents )can make the choice ref traveling. Maybe going to GKR isn't so bad as long as you know there are far,far better Martial Arts organisations out there. Later when you're older you can travel further and train with one of these. If you do have to start training with them, don't believe GKR's "hype". Remember, they are a Business, their prime concern, as a Business, is to make Money and they'll tell you absolutely anything to keep you,and more importantly,your money with them. I have read this thread as well, and contributed to it too, after all the words on the thread, one thing is very clear, GKR, rightly or wrongly, is held in contempt by the Martial Artists of this Forum and all over the world from what I've read on international forums (or is that fori??). So we can't all be wrong , can we? If you can travel, do so, if you can't the only option open is GKR. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Good luck!

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Looks like I may just have to go to the mcdojo untill I'm older and can travel freely :(

The only positive I can see from it, though, is that my friend goes and it will keep me fit; it really doesn't sound like a good place to learn MA properly!




After some research of karate styles the one I went to was Shotokan (I remember being taught the heian nidan kata).

Is this a good style of karate to practice?

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