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How/what is GKR karate?


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To be fair over the last few years i have developed a similar attitude in some respects. I thinks 8th and 7th kyu's are too low a grade to be teaching however this doesn't mean(in my opinion) that that person cannot pass on any infomation to new white belts. Even as an orange belt you know how the position of your hand is supposed to be during a punch. So why not help someone who doesn't know.


And teaching under the instruction of someone running the class is useful for lower grades.

1st kyu, 1st dan, I don't think you can define teaching ability by grade, it's more about an ability to teach and an amount of training.

Some styles are easier to reach Shodan in than others.

I've trained consistently and regularly now for 13 years in my current martial art and I hold a first dan. I've been teaching it for the past 7 years in addition to training for myself.

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I have trained in GKR for over seven years now and currently hold the rank of shodan. Out of those seven years i have taught for six and a half ( I was an Orange/ 7th kyu belt when i took my first class as instructor/Sensei).


Stu, I was just curious when you taught, what did you teach? Was there a more experienced instructor watching over or were you on your own? Also who taught you and how did it work with you teaching? I'm just curious as like everyone else I've heard the horror stories about GKR and I'm just wondering how it works. I probably am a bit in the middle on this as I taught the kids competition team as a 2nd and 1st kyu so I don't think you need to have trained for 15 years to pass on knowledge but I do think a decent grounding is sensible especially when people are paying for the instruction (I had 5 or 6 years experience at the time).



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Hi Horus


I was given a GKR standard syllabus to teach, encompassing strikes, blocks stances, kicks, kata and kumite. We were told to stick to the syllabus however we werre allways allowed to vary the ways we covered these basics ie; strikes and blocks in other stance as opposed to just in heiko dachi.

I had to complete a certain period of training before i could take that class to make sure i was competant enough as well as continued training throughout my teaching which i still do now. At the time there was only me and no other instructor in the class that i was teaching so i was alone with the students.( however to quash a previous comment from someone, ALL gkr instructor are acredited CRB and checked) As i mentioned before i had to train a bare minimum of once a week with my senior instructor where we were trained hard as well as walked through teaching methods, practices and the basic do's and don'ts. Unlike yourself i did not have years of experience behind me i only had very very very basic knowledge of shotokan and wado ryu from when i was a young. However i did learn fast due to the fact that i aimed to stay 5 steps ahead of everyone in both the class i taught in and the class i trained in. I'm not trying to be arrogant i just aimed to be the best at what i did. hope this is what your loooking for feel free to ask any more questions.



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  • 3 weeks later...

GKR is the biggest con in the world..


They brainwash all the 'employees' into working for free or next to nothing.

Although they are not 'employees' they are classed as self-employed distributors so GKR can AVOID the tax man (words of the regional manager).


They are breaking all employment laws by stipulating the working week of the "Self Defence Consultant" with 10 hour days involving meetings, training, door knocking etc.

This is clearly the structure of an employed position so how can they catergorise it as 'self-employed'.


If you were working for GKR in this capacity you could easily take them to a tribunal, who would rule that you are classed as employed. This is despite the fact that you sign an agreement stating your not employed..

(also my agreement was wrong.. it stated it was between me and GKR karate admin services LLB, however the company number relates to GKR Karate UK Ltd - so this is invalid anyway haha)


In summary this is NOT a martial arts school it is a pyramid selling scheme designed to make money for the man at the top.


Also they are currently being investigated by HMCR..

Feel free to phone them if you wish to complain (you don't even have to give your name)


Tel 0845 60 55 999 or 0161 9308445

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The problem i have with GKR is it calls itself karate,ive done karate 20+yrs Shotokan a proper Japanese style with depth & history a million miles away from what ive seen & heard about GKR,it bothers me coz its a mickey mouse martial art & gives karate a bad name, imagine off the scale ranting if GKR Kickboxing started up chefkicker would av a cardiac, well thats how real karateka feel about GKR & its not just this forum its other forums as well!

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I have heard GKR Peruvian(absolutely nothing to do with Brazil) Ju Jitsu might be next........or GKR-MMA...... I understand they are having trouble finding a way to grappling without actually touching each other(founder Rolls Brady of the Brady family is still working on this).

Although the door knocking team is already being recruited, and measured up for the new lilac and green compulsory club kimono(only £289 + £34.50 for club badge).

Edited by Protekt
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