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Male Dominated Industries

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If there were more women in the gaming industry exactly how would things be different? I'm not sure that the end products would be any less testosterone fuelled or violent.


I can certainly see a virtue in having an equal balanace between men and women in all different kinds of work environments.


For many years there have been articles in the press bemoaning the lack of women at the top of various professions (politics, journalism, finance, law, etc.) however it just seems to me that little has changed and somethings have gotten worse - certainly for those working at the lower end of the labour market


I'm not trying to be antagonistic or controversial, and I certainly think equality is a worthy goal. But if women who manage to break through the glass ceiling are content ape how men have done things for years, isn't their victory pyrrhic?

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:confused: I have plenty of female friends that work in this industry, albeit none of them are Dirs or Snr Mgmt yet.


I have worked in Tech and Engineering for both the private and public sectors for many years. I can count on one hand the number of women that worked in these companies in those fields.

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