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Bye Bye AAA rating

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It's quite sad to watch your enjoyment of this.



I do take enjoyment out of the fact that even I could spot that the central planks of their plans were only going to turn us back into recession and I and many others were right to suspect that the Tories would never turn things around, thats why they didn't get enough votes to elect them outright. They are only kept in power by the Lib Dems.


I do not get any enjoyment whatsoever in seeing the results of their policies on all sectors of the economy and have deep fears about how long things will be depressed. Seems like we are in for a lost decade or worse. Still the Tories backers will keep raking it in!

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I do take enjoyment out of the fact that even I could spot that the central planks of their plans were only going to turn us back into recession and I and many others were right to suspect that the Tories would never turn things around, thats why they didn't get enough votes to elect them outright. They are only kept in power by the Lib Dems.


I do not get any enjoyment whatsoever in seeing the results of their policies on all sectors of the economy and have deep fears about how long things will be depressed. Seems like we are in for a lost decade or worse. Still the Tories backers will keep raking it in!



That was always going to be the end result of lax credit and over consumption.

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The election was just about which party could convince the electorate they that they had a plan and the people obviously didn’t have enough faith in any of them.


Unless you happen to be a BRIC, economically speaking you're in for a rough ride. I can't honestly think of anything that labour would have done radically different and therein lies the problem, we need something radically different.

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It’s not uncommon for politicians to make promises they simply cannot keep, especially during elections. I can’t think of any government that as ever kept all its promises, and there are many things that have come to light since the election which have slowed world economic growth.


---------- Post added 24-02-2013 at 08:13 ----------





Unemployment existed prior to 1979 with many economically inactive people not able to claim unemployment benefits. Women were more likely to be at home and not claiming benefits, more women entering the work place and the population increasing lead to a greater demand for jobs at a time when increased mechanisation was making people unnecessary. Equality, human progress and population expansion created the problem in which there aren’t enough jobs for everyone. So not the fault of this Governmnet.



Greed is a human condition without which we would have significantly less than we have now, which in my opinion wouldn’t be a bad thing. Greed drives people to succeed which creates economic growth and jobs. So again not the fault of this government which as increased banking regulations.






Yes and it wasn't this Government, so not their fault.




And again not the fault of this Governmnet.





Many people saw it coming but sadly greed took over and many ordinary people jumped on the band wagon, but again not the fault of this government.



So the governments past watched and fiddled while Rome burned and it's not their fault?


I'm sorry, but if it's not the fault of succesive governments who's do you think it is it?


The government are supposed to know what they're doing not exhibit gross incompetance.


It's taken a long time to get into this mess, this is not a single government or single party issue. It's too big for that. To try and claim that it is or isn't is pointless.

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So the governments past watched and fiddled while Rome burned and it's not their fault?


I'm sorry, but if it's not the fault of succesive governments who's do you think it is it?


The government are supposed to know what they're doing not exhibit gross incompetance.


It's taken a long time to get into this mess, this is not a single government or single party issue. It's too big for that. To try and claim that it is or isn't is pointless.


I think we might be at crossed wires, by this government, I mean the coalition that has been in power since 2010, they can’t be held even remotely responsible for the housing bubble or the financial collapse. They have an impossible job to do and I think the best we can hope for stagnation, a lost decade or two.

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I think we might be at crossed wires, by this government, I mean the coalition that has been in power since 2010, they can’t be held even remotely responsible for the housing bubble or the financial collapse. They have an impossible job to do and I think the best we can hope for stagnation, a lost decade or two.


OK I think you're probably right, we have got our wires crossed.


However, I worry that the downward trend is going to be one way.... I really cannot see any hope of a recovery this century, and think, barring a miracle, we are in a permanent state of decline.


When the lights start to go out in a couple of years (definately the fault of succesive governments) the rot will really have set in.

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thats your trouble you fail to see anything that you dont agree with


What? I asked a basic question on the subject and you just asked another. Answer the question first and we can continue but if you are unable to answer that tells you more than anything else. However if you can answer, then share the knowledge so everyone can learn. I'm not trying to trip you up or put you on the spot, I'm genuinely wanting to know which country has followed this model and succeeded.

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