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Chitterlin and bag


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Hi used to cook all mentioned at roneys on Sharrowvale road

Monday morning out to abbatoir cricket inn road bag chittlings blood for black pudding made monday afternoons

bag etc done tues then i had to clean them all out, Roast chap cooked every day ,top half head boiled and made into brawn


Plus hundreds of pork pies everyday we supplied Gowers and Burgons an old grocery chain


All products still available at Wateralls Castle market (no dont work there)

shop there regulary

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Our old boy used to love tripe and onions as a kid I tried it but to me it was tasteless and like chewing your way through rubber.He liked chitterlin and bag,pigs trotters"which I did like",brawn,home cooked ox tongue, kippers in milk another one I didn,t like!.My pet dislike was beast heart the smell when cooking made me gip,nowadays eating offal is not so popular but lambs liver and onions plus bacon are nice also I like kidneys which are not expensive to buy.You don,t see rabbit much today I loved it roasted or in a stew with carrots and onions-yum-yum delicious bring it on!:thumbsup::love:


Long time since I had tripe and onions but I still enjoy it . Chitterlin and bag I always enjoyed . We have always made our own brawn - Pigs head ( minus the chaps ) boiled in a pan on the aga until the meat fair dropped of the bone , more meat than jelly , unlike the bought stuff . Rabbit , plenty in the game casserole . Liver and onions with mash , lambs and beasts tongue , beasts heart . Good cheap meals which many of our parents were reared on and lived to a ripe old age . Ger it darn ya , do ya good !

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I used to eat it my grandson who is very picky came to our house when we were having it for tea asked what it was thought I said chiken demolished a plate full said it was smashing can,t seem to get it now

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What about pig's face I hated it as a child but my nan loved it. I did like tripe and cow heel pieces though. My dad loved chicklin as he called it. Bless him if he was still with me I'd buy it for him today.Also had cow's udder.

Cannot understand why people in London pay a fortune for these things now.

Edited by smuffin
added something else
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  • 10 years later...

Been trying to source Chitterlings and bag, and tripe, for an elderly gentleman who loves it, 🤥 but can't find it anywhere.

Been all the way to Barnsley Market and the stall holders there tell me it's no longer available, but I thought maybe our Sheffield forummers know better.

Does anybody know where I can still get it? 

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