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Chitterlin and bag


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Our old boy used to love tripe and onions as a kid I tried it but to me it was tasteless and like chewing your way through rubber.He liked chitterlin and bag,pigs trotters"which I did like",brawn,home cooked ox tongue, kippers in milk another one I didn,t like!.My pet dislike was beast heart the smell when cooking made me gip,nowadays eating offal is not so popular but lambs liver and onions plus bacon are nice also I like kidneys which are not expensive to buy.You don,t see rabbit much today I loved it roasted or in a stew with carrots and onions-yum-yum delicious bring it on!:thumbsup::love:

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During the war years i often queued down Duke Street for horsemeat when i was on my afternoon week


My mother queued at Gebhards on the Manor Centre for chitterling and i would take it to work for my packing up. I had it that often i aquired the name of Baggy


The tripe man (Rueben Short) used to come round with his horse and dray on a Thursday tea time and we had tripe and onions for tea on a Friday (Best meal of the week)

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As well as chitterlings and bag, we also had pigs tails.



What about trotters and chap (half a pigs head boiled)??


I used to love Chitterlings and bag and trotters and chap, don't think I could stomach them now though :gag:


Never tried tripe though :huh:



Biggsy :)

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