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Great photos from 1963

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I can tell you a story about the door of a boarding house being slammed in my face when I enquired about a room when we were doing some construction work adjacent to Heathrow airport. The lady thought I was Irish.


Still being mistaken for Irish was better than being seen as black. They were often greeted with signs outside boarding houses saying "Sorry no blacks"


Very poor show, but a bit different from lynchings though. Lets not even try and compare our two countries back then, you guys made south africa look liberal and egalitarian.

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I love this picture!

It just sums up how advanced we were at the time ... not very! It fascinates me how far technology has evolved in my lifetime. If the same photo was to be taken now, it'd be in full colour and probably 3D. It was only 50 years ago!

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Wait hang on, just 1963?

My bad Apollo 11 wasn't until 69.


So did nothing else of significance happen appart from the black civil rights movement in 1963?

The only picture in relation to England was of the Beetles (in Sweden)


---------- Post added 23-02-2013 at 00:07 ----------


tht a fake picture


hows it faked?

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All those photos of civil unrest and not a single shot of the Apollo 11 mission.


I suppose it wasn't much of an achievement, it's not like it was the first time a human being had put a foot down on the moon or anything.


Political agenda much?

Apollo 11 was in '69, not '63. Sorry to be nit-picky. :)


Sorry ... just seen I've been beaten to it!

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