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Labrynthitis sufferer

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My wife has been diagnosed with Labrynthitis , is there anyone else suffering with this really bad complaint. It seem as though it will go on forever, she keeps getting better then back to square one . The doc's say there is nothing they can prescribe for the condition.Anybody else been cured of this. :help:

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Hi bladebeer


How long has your wife been having symptoms?


Most cases of labyrinthitis are caused by a virus (so antibiotics don't do anything) and tend to happen after having a cold. They're generally self limiting and last between 2 and 7 days before spontaneously getting slowly better. For people who have this sort of labyrinthitis it's unpleasant but it's not dangerous and it isn't a sign of anything more serious going on. Unfortunately apart from anti sickness medication there really is nothing that works to 'cure' this sort of labyrinthitis.


Unfortunately if you've had labyrinthitis once you do tend to get it again.


However, for some people the repeated labyrinthitis is part of a pattern of symptoms of a wider disease, so if your wife is having protracted problems over time, or is getting better from one episode and then immediately coming down with another please do go back to the doctors and ask for a referral for this to be investigated.

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The Doctors might not have any treatment for the condition (as one reply has stated it is probably a virus). However, the Docs should be able to do something about the symptoms such as the Stemetil tablets one reply has suggested.


In the meantime you could try travel-sickness tablets to see if they give any relief from dizziness and sickness

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I was diagnosed with this year's ago. Only had the one episode but I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It left me totally deaf in one ear. I was hospitalised for a week on steroids. Touch wood other than losing my hearing, I have had no further problems. Hope your wife recovers.

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Thanks everyone ,she has had every test available at the hospital and everything is o.k. medically. She is tired all the time and I have found exercises on line that we are currently doing, so fingers crossed things may improve . Once again thanks for your sensible replies ,which does not always happen on here.

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I suffered from Labrynthitis when i was in the early weeks of pregnancy with my second son, i do know from experience its horrible, i couldnt be given anything with being pregnant, but as a few have said above there are lots of medications that will stop the unpleasant symptoms, i do hope your wife feels better soon.

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Hi....yes, I am a labyrnthitis sufferer. The first episode I had was around 4/5 years ago. I had it really bad. I just lay on the settee whilst the world kept spinning. Even watching the telly made me feel dizzy. I couldn't even bend down to put my own pants on :hihi: Docs said it was caused by a virus & apart from anti sickness pills, there wasn't any medicines to help.

When I felt a bit better, I did the prescribed exercises which do work, but you must keep doing them. (They are designed to re wire your brain so to speak).

I had to be aware that certain head movements sent me weird & dizzy. For a long time, looking down at the floor when I walked felt like walking on a kind of 'marshmallow' waviness, head tilted up drinking the last bit from a cup/can or putting things on a top shelf sent me spinny. Most weird was if I turned my head suddenly upward, the walls kind of 'slid'.

But I learnt to anticipate head movements that could send me dizzy & correct/stop myself. Even now I can only get out of bed by laying on my right side & slowly lifting my head into an upright position. Cant sit up from lying on my back without going dizzy.

If I feel run down, if I'm stressed or tired, or especially if I have any cold symptoms, it becomes more noticeable again. I've just had to learn to live with it I'm afraid, as it's never really gone away.

Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Dizzy Blonde' :D

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I suffered from Labrynthitis when i was in the early weeks of pregnancy with my second son, i do know from experience its horrible, i couldnt be given anything with being pregnant, but as a few have said above there are lots of medications that will stop the unpleasant symptoms, i do hope your wife feels better soon.


Thanks Rosie, we are going to the doctors AGAIN today, but personally I am losing faith in doctors. We have to nearly beg to get an appointment, because our receptionist treats it like a personal insult when you ask for a today appointment. Fingers crossed again.:confused:

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My husband had it about 5 years ago. It came on very suddenly as he was on his way out. He managed to get back in the house and collapsed on the settee. Our daughter came home a few hours later and found him, still on the sofa, still wearing coat and shoes. She rang me at work and I came straight home. He was really ill and didn't seem to know who I was, or what day it was etc. he was very confused. I rang the doctors and the doc came almost straight away. He was diagnosed with labyrinthitis and given medication (can't remember what). It took a good few weeks before he was better.

Hope She feels better soon.

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