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A big THANK YOU to Foster carers


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well iv left poppy alone for the first time today in the kitchen with my 3 and all is fine, no howling or problems when she was left i hung around for 5 outside and didnt hear a peep.


so poppy will now be sleeping in the kitchen with the boys as she has been a bit naughty so is not allowed upostairs for a while lol.


kellysmum he will be fine he has minor dog allergies and new fur can set him off thanks

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So glad to hear your son will be ok :) Whats Poppy been up to? I ended up putting a safety gate at bottom of stairs cos if she went up she'd always poo in MY bedroom but nowhere else! Hopefully she'll behave herself now and your 3 will pull her into line cos thats something else she was missing out on...being socialised with other dogs.

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same thing she did at yours lol but in my sons rooms i think its the carpet that holds the appeal lol as i havent got one in my room and she hasnt done it there.


shes now playing great with all of them well her way of playing which is not their way so my staff is a bit confused lol, and shes started showing interest in the pigs heads and bones in our garden.


her training is coming on nicely shes not jumping up as much and when she does now gets down immediatly with a command and hand signal, shes also getting used to not being under my feet while im cooking

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I can certainly second your comments regarding Foster Carers.

Rain Rescue have the best ever foster carers and each of them great at taking a new dog into their home that needs it.


Today we had a call from a dog pound. A young 12 week old puppy had been found straying. Been in the dog pound for 7 days - nobody came forward for it. The Dog Wardens were gutted to have to put such a babe into kennels, and would we please take it, this is wrong.


We said yes


A few phone calls, and shuffles later, we were driving down to pick up this puppy and bring it home, a quick shuffle again, and this puppy was home with one of our fabulous foster homes, Clive and Lisa and had an anticeptic bath, a new collar, and an Advocate as it had been bitten red raw with fleas and mites.


Photos now on our page and tonight it is warm and safe with a foster family that gives over their home and their hearts to help a pet in need.


Fabulous people who foster and we thank you all.



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you should have phoned me i could squeeze another little one in lol


---------- Post added 03-03-2013 at 20:58 ----------


iv finally got a vid of poppy playing with tank our rotti, please excuse the biscuits all over thats tanks idea of a fun game every time i feed them he tips out every bowl.


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