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Who will be the next Dr Who?


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The show is due to be revived in 2005. Who do you think will be the next Dr Who or who would you like to be Dr Who? I've heard a rumor that Paul Daniels might be in with a shout. :o:D


It would be more goodluck for Daniels who recently managed to get planning permission to raise his flood-damaged home after a lengthy appeal.

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I'd vote for Richard E Grant, doing a similar kind of Doctor to the late Jon Pertwee, an eccentric older man with a love of gadgets.


Alternatively they could keep Paul McGann for a bit given that he was the last Doctor seen on TV (remember the TV movie a few years back?).


Who would you vote for the Doctor's assistant though? I say bring Ace (Sophie Aldred) back, she was a BABE back in the day, and probably needs the exposure nowadays cos nobody's seen anything of her for years, probably since she worked with Sylvester McCoy on Doctor Who in the late 80s/early 90s.

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Would love to see Eddie as Dr Who...but I also believe the lovely Alan Davis has been approached. Probably trying to rekindle the good old days of Tom Baker's manic hair! Either actors/comedians would suit me fine!

Wasnt much of a fan of The Dr Who TV film though, they broke the essential rule of Dr Who, do not under any circumstances have kissy kissy between the Time Lord and his assistant!!! that is just wrong!

Mind you if they have Eddie up for the Dr Id be quite willing to play the assistant and throw the above rule out of the window :D

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

they broke the essential rule of Dr Who, do not under any circumstances have kissy kissy between the Time Lord and his assistant!!! that is just wrong!

It was American, what do you expect? They can't make anything without adding a touch of romance into the equasion.
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