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Charges brought against posters of 'Venables' and 'Thompson' images.

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Because to stop doing so would almost inevitably lead to their murder and the state should not condone or facilitate murder.

There is no death sentence under our law, nor should there be.



I wonder if your side would change if something like this happened in your family or to one of your children.

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The adults are idiots who have chosen to break the law. They know what they are doing. As did the two evil murderers Venables and Thompson.


And they would be "evil murderers" too..or would they be seen as heroes?


---------- Post added 26-02-2013 at 13:45 ----------


I wonder if your side would change if something like this happened in your family or to one of your children.


Of course it would..but lets try and stay rational for the sake of the debate rather than get all sentimental.

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A ten year old knows the difference between right and wrong.

The crime they did on that poor little boy was brutal.

Venables is back behind bars, been denied parole and its because he is a danger to himself and the public.


He had his chance to make a new life and blew it.

He doesn't deserve a new identity.

Make their pictures known annually, save innocent people from being mistaken for the pair.


The justice system stinks. They didn't get long enough for what they did.

Its the little boys Mum and Dad that got the life sentence. My heart goes out to them.



I agree, it's bout time punishment was punishment, the justice system in this country is a laughing stock the world over, we have people come here to commit crime because they get a better standard of living in prison than they would outside, and the same goes for our own British public.


Get rid of tvs and gyms and start chain gangs again, mAke them work outside the prison for the good of the communities they have been destroying and it will also save the tax payer millions each year, and employ thousands of people also, win win situation.

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True. I'm not 100% whether they could be done for possesion but there have been cases where people have been done for supply (not conspiracy) of controlled drugs where the "drug" was not actually what they said it was so it's the same principle.


The supplier is decieving the buyer.

The buyer is actually in possession of a legal substance.

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And they would be "evil murderers" too..or would they be seen as heroes?


---------- Post added 26-02-2013 at 13:45 ----------



Of course it would..but lets try and stay rational for the sake of the debate rather than get all sentimental.



It's not possible to stay rational because of the nature of the Incident, we can have rational debates about our crap mp's all day but when we are talking about a child's life being taken by two vindictive evil creatures, you have to put yourself in said parents shoes because if that had happened to you, you would be foaming at the mouth wanting vengeance like any normal rational person would, those boys lost all their human rights when they decided to take another human life IMO


How many times have things like this got to happen before a change is made, remember the two boys from doncaster couple of years ago ?

New lives new identities , but forever will the boys and their family's they attacked and brutalised have to live with the conequences of those two boys actions, why don't they get a new start and a new life instead of the ones doing the damage in the first place.


IMO the only rational reaction is of real justice lock them and throw away the key, the thing about eye for an eye justice is its FAIR, if it's not fair it leads to resentment which is what we see on here daily while people complain about what's wrong with our country.

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you have to put yourself in said parents shoes


No you don't.. For you to put yourself in anyone's shoes without actually experiencing what they go through is arrogant.


because if that had happened to you, you would be foaming at the mouth wanting vengeance like any normal rational person would,


The foaming I'll leave to the likes of you. Until it happens to me I'll defer. I happen to think you're neither rational or normal. :hihi:



IMO the only rational reaction is of real justice lock them and throw away the key, the thing about eye for an eye justice is its FAIR, if it's not fair it leads to resentment which is what we see on here daily while people complain about what's wrong with our country.


Until it's your turn to force someone onto a track or rape a perps wife as an answer to justice.. Nah, leave it with the authorities, it aint perfect but your way is really scary.

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No you don't.. For you to put yourself in anyone's shoes without actually experiencing what they go through is arrogant.




The foaming I'll leave to the likes of you. Until it happens to me I'll defer. I happen to think you're neither rational or normal. :hihi:





Until it's your turn to force someone onto a track or rape a perps wife as an answer to justice.. Nah, leave it with the authorities, it aint perfect but your way is really scary.



It's just the term but obviously not pushing people on a track or committing rape, just real prison time real sentences, that is all that's needed as I said above the justice system in our country is a joke and anyone with an ounce of common sense realises that, but obviously your not in that category.



I dont get where the arrogant bit is coming from, most of us luckily will never experience such a terrible occurrence on one of our children so we do have to put our selves in their shoes to have some kind of understanding of the pain it must have caused. I have children and I really do not care what anyone says about me but if some one brutalised and murdered my child I would want to tear them in half, quite simple I really do not care what opinion anyone has of me because of that, I believe that no one has the right to take my children away from me or to harm them, no one has the right to harm an innocent child, and although I would have to swallow every ounce of pain that someone would have caused me I would prefer that they spent a hard life in prison to answer for their crimes, I believe as a rational human being that is what bulgers parents also will have thought and what most other parents would think.

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I agree, it's bout time punishment was punishment, the justice system in this country is a laughing stock the world over

It's not though is it.

It's held up as an example of one the most just systems in the world.

we have people come here to commit crime because they get a better standard of living in prison than they would outside, and the same goes for our own British public.

You've been reading the daily mail too much.

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