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The crazy Daisy

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Ended up in the daisy on my stag night. Cant remember too much about that night! I can remember going straight to away matches in Plymouth , Brighton and Exeter in the back of an transit van with no seats after nights round the Wicker and a session in the Daisy. Happy times.


Remember when it shut and they re-opended it, all spruced up, and called the Geisha bar if i remember correctly.

Carsupplier; the daisy was on the High Street, same side as the cathedral, downstairs in one of the buildings

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An old workmate used to tell me about the Crazy Daisy, I can recall the name of it, but where in Sheffield was it?


high street, about halfway down on the left hand side as you walk down

or thats where i remmeber it from the early 80s anyway......near where there was a record shop inside an archway.

was also just above where virgin records used to be.


lol sorry a bit vague, i can picture it but cant explain very well......now record shops thats a different story :P

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Wasn't it to become Legends after it was crazy daisy??? I remember you had to go downstairs to it....thats what it was when i used to go but can recall my cousin telling me she used to go before when it was the crazy daisy???think i'm right anyway...does anyone know what it is now?

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