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BBC accused of terrorist activity in UK court by conspiracy theorist

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lol, wait for the next thrilling installment where he's up before the beak for doing 42 in a 30mph zone which will be described as "being granted a judicial review of whether Prince Philip is an illuminati lizard"


Followed by his defence against charges of fly-tipping being "Sheffield City Council's unwarranted attack on council tax payers by its insistence that they limit the amount of food they eat".

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The BBC can't be that left-wing if it's taken on James Purnell, a man so reactionary that when he was a Labour MP he wanted to charge pensioners 26% interest on crisis loans instead of 0%.


Indeed. The mouth frothers really went to town when he was appointed.


They are strangely silent about the senior news reporters Nick Robinson, Guti Harri, Jeff Randall (as was) are all Tories; that the Thatcherite Andrew Neill presents a lot of the political programmes; that the Chairman of the BBC trust is the ex Thatcherite minister Chris Patten; and let's not forget that those consevative commentators that moan the most about alleged BBC bias - Peter Hitchens, Janet Daley, and the execrable Melanie Phillips are regularly asked onto their panel shows.


Trade Unionists are rarely invited

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Claim on the youtube Vid: "Tony Rooke has been granted a court hearing where he is challenging the BBC's support of terrorist activity".


Actual factual fact: He was summoned for not paying his license.


Granted a court hearing, eh, vResistance?


Any comment?


Won't hold my breath...



Not my words but you could look at it like that. (if you had a sense of humour)



Nobody, I don't think expected "success" Longcol.


It was more of a protest, to raise awareness, and an opportunity to challenge the BBC. It was a partial success.

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Nobody, I don't think expected "success" Longcol.



Some people on the Delusional Idiots Forum did :hihi::hihi: According to the spiel put out before the trial he was going to get 3 hours to present his case.




Perhaps this guy might have as well - you should get together with him sometime.



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It was more of a protest, to raise awareness, and an opportunity to challenge the BBC. It was a partial success.


Given that there are many valid reasons grounded in fact on which the BBC could be challenged, why bother trying to publicise this kind of nonsense?


You might as well go along to the nearest acute psychiatric ward and ask someone in the grip of severe psychosis for their theories about the BBC.

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Has the claim that the BBC foretold the collapse of WTC 7 been






AFAIK the BBC (along with other TV channels) did say something like "there are reports coming in of another building collapsing" about 20 minutes before WTC7 collapsed. This was traced back to Reuters who were talking about an imminent collapse (chinese whispers syndrome) - given that firefighters had noticed the building listing out of true (having been damaged by a collapsing skyscraper and having unfought fires for several hours) and had established a safety cordon for several blocks around the building it was no real surprise it collapsed.


Or you could believe the cordon had been to allow a crack team of suicide ninjas to go in and rig the building for demolition.

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