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Oh no! I'm a binge drinker!

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I'm not in either of the 'under-reporting' or the 'drink more than the recommended amount' categories.


It annoys me that doctors are going to be asked to assume that everybody who they ask is misleading them on this sort of thing. I'm not lying when I tell someone how much I drink and even if they doubled what I tell them I will still be under the recommended amount.


Really? Three quarters of people are drinking more than the recommended amounts?


I know an awful lot of people who either don't drink at all or who, like me, have half a glass of wine every few weeks. I can't remember the last time I drank more than the recommended 3 units a day for women.


Yes, the whole patronising tone of the story and trying to portray 75% of the population as delusional drinkers is very annoying.


I fully accept that some drinkers are delusional, and whilst the research might have done in good faith, to suggest that most of us lie to our GP about our drinking makes me quite angry.


I wish More Or Less was running on Radio 4 at the moment, because I am sure there are aspects of this that could be pulled apart.


1. There must be delusional drinkers who consume well in excess of the weekly amount every day, who refuse to acknowledge their problem and lie about it. I suspect their excess drinking has been averaged across the population.


2. There are plenty of people that claim they don't drink, but they do in moderation.


3. Under age drinkers consume large quantities of alcohol, but will not be reporting it. Was the research adjusted for this?


4. I've noticed increasing numbers of Muslims drinking. I bet they don't report this to their GPs.


5. We are told that we don't know what our immigrant population is, and that any estimates are too low. These people will be consuming alcohol, some of them in increasing volumes. Was the research adjusted for this?


6. What estimate was used for the amount of illegally imported alcohol. A nice high number?


These are just a few things off the top of my head, but the most obvious thing, which I have already noted, is that if we are to have any trust in the validity of Government advise about alcohol consumption we must assume that somebody has actually measured harm against consumption. If reported consumption was too low, as this research suggests, then alcohol is actually less harmful.

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now that is a role model!


i wonder who he'd like to be if he ever grows up


Maybe he would want to be stinking rich, or a rock star, or maybe just someone who never has to have a real job or answer to anyone?......................wate a minute!?

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I like a swift 6pints, gives you a taste for a few more. Kids these days dont know how to binge drink properly!


I'm pretty sure that my granddad and his dad used to spend more time at the pub than they did at home back in the 40's and 50's.


People have always liked a good drink, nothing has changed. I don't know what all the fuss is about.


aybe this is just another tactic by the government to get eople on board with the 50p minimum pricing campaign?

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Clearly this was reported this morning to make drinkers feel bad about themselves. Ignore how this will be spun by the anti-alcohol zealots, this is actually good news for drinkers.


If the amount of alcohol being consumed is 50% more than the amount that is actually being reported, then clearly alcohol is less harmful than we thought.


The recommended weekly alcohol limits of 21 units for men and 14 units for women has to be too low, just as the reported alcohol intake has been too low.


Fantastic news.





Lol, agreed!

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