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Unite Union at it again, now putting lives at risk

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Ha ha ha Retep you believe the right wing Tory blurb in the Mail do you, theres always one.

I am a shop steward for the Unite union and we are a right of centre, very democratic organization. We work with employers to resolve difficulies before they become problems and a good employer (and there are many) will always listen to reason and come to an amicable agreement. Its always better for consultation rather than confrontation.

Unfortunatly we have a right wing tory govenment supported by some fence sitting muppets who are bent on hammering the working class and people with genuine disabilities of this country and if we dont stand up and defend our hard fought for rights they will trample us. I for one dont want to see the poor get poorer while fat cats get richer.



Say's it all.

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What that Im prepared to spend alot of my own time attending meetings and working to protect my rights? Perhaps we should all lay down and by subserviant to our betters eh.

Tug the old forelock maybe, lets get back to the good old days of the workhouse.

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What that Im prepared to spend alot of my own time attending meetings and working to protect my rights? Perhaps we should all lay down and by subserviant to our betters eh.

Tug the old forelock maybe, lets get back to the good old days of the workhouse.


keep up the good work-there are far too many complacent characters on SF who have probably led sheltered lives,and lack the belly for a good fight.

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Since Mr Miliband won the Labour leadership – thanks to union block votes – in September 2010, Unite has given £7.5million to the Labour Party and is its biggest paymaster.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273530/Unions-need-power-What-head-Labours-biggest-paymaster-Red-Len-McCluskey-told-Ed-Miliband.html#ixzz2MC8T3NHY


How much have the Tories received in donations from companies that would benefit from privatisation of health services?

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How much have the Tories received in donations from companies that would benefit from privatisation of health services?


Thank goodness that Labour never did anything like that then.....


From 2006:


Health unions and campaigners have condemned a new attempt by the government to privatise NHS bodies responsible for a £64 billion budget.




And shall we bring up all the Labour instigated PFIs?


103 PFI deals were struck by Labour for the NHS with a combined value of £11.4 billion/ By the time that they are paid off, they will have cost more than £65 billion.






Google "Labour PFI" for dozens more links.


Why do Labour supporters have such long memories of Thatcher when it comes to milk or coal mines, but such a short memory of the last Labour term?

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My mum was a union delegate for COHSE, long since retired, and she is absolutely disgusted by what unions have become. In her own words, more interested in putting people from Africa on the front covers of their brochures, and having nice glass offices in London, than they are about helping WWC people that they were set up to represent.


Would it really matter if they had white people on the cover of their brochures and ran their operation from a mud hut in Rotherham? You'd still find something to moan about.


By the way, the Union is there to represent the interests of all their members not just the white ones. You must be confusing UNITE with the EDL.

Not an easy mistake to make, but then you're stupid.

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Thank goodness that Labour never did anything like that then.....


From 2006:






And shall we bring up all the Labour instigated PFIs?








Google "Labour PFI" for dozens more links.


Why do Labour supporters have such long memories of Thatcher when it comes to milk or coal mines, but such a short memory of the last Labour term?


I'm well aware of Labour's role in this whole sorry affair. I would like to know how much they get in donations from private health care companies too.


That said I'd suspect that The Tories recieve substantially more from such sources. Accordingly I'd expect the levels of privatisation to be delivered by the Tories to be much greater. And by the looks of things they will be.


The Tories are still signing PFI deals by the way.

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The Tories are still signing PFI deals by the way.


More than that, the Tories are about to make it law that almost every single part of the NHS has to be open to competition, regardless of whether the GPs doing the commissioning want it or not. Lowest bidder wins, patients and employees lose.


This is exactly what they promise not to do to get their NHS 'reforms' passed in the first place and now they're sneaking it into legislation (SI 257).


Whatever Labour might have done is NOTHING compared to what is happening right now.

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