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Wish the police saw what I see every morning..

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My daughter pointed out some idiotic woman in a Range Rover the other day at the side of us on Penistone Rd resting her mobile on the steering wheel while she busily texted on it.


I was dumbfounded how on earth she didnt hit some one I have no idea, these people really shouldn't be allowed on the roads as they clearly have no brain.

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No doubt there are some benighted idiots on here who will say it's not the driver's fault but merely a money making scam by the government/council to take advantage of poor drivers.


Much like the whole "it's the council's fault that there are morons around who fly tip".

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because the prosecution wouldn't bother to take it to court in the first place, they'd claim 'lack of evidence' or some bullcrap.


It's not just mobiles, earlier I was held up by some idiot doing 20 and swerving all over the road.

I thought he was drunk at first, but when I passed him it became clear he was trying to read a map :o

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because the prosecution wouldn't bother to take it to court in the first place, they'd claim 'lack of evidence' or some bullcrap.


It's not just mobiles, earlier I was held up by some idiot doing 20 and swerving all over the road.

I thought he was drunk at first, but when I passed him it became clear he was trying to read a map :o


Well, several people on here have suggested reporting the vehicles to the police, which, IMO, would be unlikely to result in any action.


However, sending the police a video from a headcam of the offense taking place with the reg number visible, by email, requires zero investigation by the police (or, at least, much less), so, for anyone who believes the police are interested in prosecuting these offences, it makes a lot of sense.


As for your claim that they would dismiss it on the grounds of 'lack of evidence'- it seems unlikely, given the clear video evidence of both the offence and the reg no.


Lastly, if you are making the claim that the courts would dismiss it- do you have any evidence that that would, or does, happen, in this circumstance (of a video evidence of the use of a mobile, plus the reg no. being presented and thrown out)? If so, please give us a link to it.

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As I drive to work every morning, I must see at least 3-4 people nattering away on their mobile phones whilst driving. It really annoys me! Wish I could shop them to the police!! A very good friend of mine was badly injured after it was proven that the person responsible was on their phone at the time. Please people, stay off your flipping phones when your driving.


I feel the same way about people smoking behind the wheel too but no rules for them.

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I've seen the devastation being careless on the roads causes. It wasn't anybody that i knew but the image of that person laid dying in her car due to some chav in a fast car will stick with me for the rest of my life. It's worth mentioning the driver was a young lad, who from what i gather got a lifetime ban and several months in prison (he's out now).

Funnily enough the spot in which she died at the hands of the idiot is still, today a well known speeding spot. It makes you stop and think, seeing idiots still speeding past the makeshift memorial this lady's family had set up in her honor.

These people (the word people used loosely) don't care, self centered arseholes that weigh up the consequences and decide the risk is worth taking.

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Well, several people on here have suggested reporting the vehicles to the police, which, IMO, would be unlikely to result in any action.


However, sending the police a video from a headcam of the offense taking place with the reg number visible, by email, requires zero investigation by the police (or, at least, much less), so, for anyone who believes the police are interested in prosecuting these offences, it makes a lot of sense.


As for your claim that they would dismiss it on the grounds of 'lack of evidence'- it seems unlikely, given the clear video evidence of both the offence and the reg no.


Lastly, if you are making the claim that the courts would dismiss it- do you have any evidence that that would, or does, happen, in this circumstance (of a video evidence of the use of a mobile, plus the reg no. being presented and thrown out)? If so, please give us a link to it.


This is a joke. Our civil liberties in the UK are laughed at by the rest of the western world due to the number of CCTV cameras everywhere, and you want to add to it with this rubbish?


Be careful what you wish for. Perhaps you will, at some time, find yourself guilty of a misdemeanor in which these thought police volunteers may be interested.

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