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Wish the police saw what I see every morning..

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A campaign is needed. I think people are getting quite cocky about using mobiles whilst driving as, quite simply, they're getting away with it. I see it everyday too. It wouldn't take long to catch scores of drivers to prosecute if an unmarked cop car just spent a bit of time on the Parkway, for example. The fines could bring in much-needed revenue. Unfortunately, while this law continues to not be enforced, people will think it's ok to do it as they see so many others getting away with it.

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maybe we should Start seeing a few hard hitting tv adverts showing the consequences. I recently had to go on a speed awareness course and I have to say I am a changed driver



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Agree, it worked with drink driving. People still do it, but are generally seen as irresponsible. Most people would never admit do driving whilst under the influence. If phoning and texting was seen as similar social "sins", there'd be a lot less of it going on.


I have great difficulty walking and texting at the same time, let alone controlling a car! Well, my legs work OK, but I'm not concentrating on where I'm going, so I tend not to do it for fear of walking into a lamp post.


Anyone see that clip of the radio reporter walking into a canal in Birmingham whilst texting? Classic (it wasn't me by the way).

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A campaign is needed. I think people are getting quite cocky about using mobiles whilst driving as, quite simply, they're getting away with it. I see it everyday too. It wouldn't take long to catch scores of drivers to prosecute if an unmarked cop car just spent a bit of time on the Parkway, for example. The fines could bring in much-needed revenue. Unfortunately, while this law continues to not be enforced, people will think it's ok to do it as they see so many others getting away with it.


Agreed......the number of times, in fact if I am in traffic waiting and I see someone with a phone to their ear I usually glare and gesticulate get off your phone to them (holds finger and thumb out in phone like fashion) it's amazing the cocky response you get like it's OK to do this. Like kckc says just one day spend would bring in an incredible amount of revenue, then they'd be more officers!

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Why wouldn't video evidence showing the offence taking place, and, the license number, stand up in court?


It has to get there first though. There was the case of Martin Porter, aka the cycling silk.


He was cut up by another vehicle, and subsequently confronted by the driver which resulted in an assault. The CPS decided initially not to prosecute, despite video evidence.


Considering that Mr. Porter is a barrister, it still took considerable pushing from him with all his expertise, for anything to happen. :(

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Originally Posted by onewheeldave View Post

Get a cheap head-cam- film them using the phone illegally, then film the number plate. Email it to the police.


People die due to these idiots.


Are you for real? would you honestly do that yourself? come on, really?




Would I get video evidence of some arrogant idiot trying to text on their phone cos they feel they have to send a text right there and then, while driving a machine that can kill or maim a pedestrian, or crash into another driver who, in contrast, is concentrating on their driving?


Yes, absolutely.


(If I drove, which I don't).


And, if a majority of drivers did the same, then use of mobile phones while 'driving', would become about as acceptable as driving while drunk i.e. the problem would greatly diminish, and, all those who would have been killed by being ploughed into by an idiot driver texting, will live.


Why do you feel it's OK for people to be killed by drivers texting? Do you also feel it's OK for them to be killed by drunk drivers? If not, what's the difference?

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