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Met-rx protein brand


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he`s quite clear in his post, if a little enthusiastic


Not sure where he is clear, he says "the worlds largest brand" and "our products", I just want to know what they are, hopefully he will tell us on here.


"....I'm personally affiliated with the world's largest brand, you couldn't possibly eat or afford the amount of nutrients that go into our products. I've seen weightloss of 18 stone and I've seen muscle gain of 2kgs. People who say that supplements are not all that need educating on what nutrition is instead of being ignorant to how it changes lives. For the better. ...|

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I know of no 'natural' supplement which will allow you to gain 2kg of muscle that food alone would not enable you to gain. Maybe he could enlighten us on this miracle fuel



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I know of no 'natural' supplement which will allow you to gain 2kg of muscle that food alone would not enable you to gain. Maybe he could enlighten us on this miracle fuel



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


I am not sure what the original poster is paying for Met-rx protein (and I am not saying it is not good quality), but assuming it is at least 20 quid, I would go out and buy 20 quids worth of meat (Turkey breast for example). Most people look for the "magic bullet" without taking care of the basics.


I have never seen anyone get bigger/put on muscle, without a really good diet.


I have never seen anyone get bigger/put on muscle, without following a proper training plan, which involved heavy squats, dead lifts, bench and power cleans.


If anyone cares to search on the web they can find pictures of Eugene Sandow and George Hackenschmidt, from the late 1800's/early 1900's, and all they had was good food and heavy weights (and a clean lifestyle).


Sorry, quick edit; I mean I have not seen anyone do the above "naturally'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really didnt think id cause such a debate on Protein.. I paid £19.99 for this, the reason why i posted is just to see if anyone uses this, not for anyone to start being cocky to those who know what i wanted to originally know.


Personally i use protein because i feel the extra boost, other people may not or think there isnt a boost, but i feel it, i also use it because to get the extra protein, i dont eat meat everyday, some people dont eat meat at all but whether you take it or not its still partly natural training, you choose how big you want your muscles ect the protein doesnt and i got that from a trainer whether you agree or not.

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I really didnt think id cause such a debate on Protein.. I paid £19.99 for this, the reason why i posted is just to see if anyone uses this, not for anyone to start being cocky to those who know what i wanted to originally know.


Personally i use protein because i feel the extra boost, other people may not or think there isnt a boost, but i feel it, i also use it because to get the extra protein, i dont eat meat everyday, some people dont eat meat at all but whether you take it or not its still partly natural training, you choose how big you want your muscles ect the protein doesnt and i got that from a trainer whether you agree or not.


The extra boost isn't done by the protein. Is a placebo effect. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing but whey protein won't give you extra energy in the gym



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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