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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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There speaks a UKIP member. UKIP would abolish higher rates of tax so that everyone above your conveniently-quoted level of £11,500 would pay the same rate of 31% on that extra income. In other words a regressive right-wing form of taxation. Even the Tories support higher rates of tax for high earners.


Labour actually, :) and did I say I wasn't in agreement with higher rates of tax for high earners?

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If you reduce the tax rate paid by higher earners and increase the tax threshold, as UKIP are proposing to do, then either the tax take will go down or they'll have to increase the tax paid by those in the middle to make up the difference.


Yes the UKIP proposals could make the tax system more regressive. But like them or loathe them UKIP are putting alternative policies forward and our politics needs freshness like never before.


It's totally reasonable for people to ask why we can't have a flat rate system. They may be asking for the wrong thing but given the state of our tax system every option should be on the table. So let's not kill the debate before it starts.

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Yes the UKIP proposals could make the tax system more regressive. But like them or loathe them UKIP are putting alternative policies forward and our politics needs freshness like never before.


It's totally reasonable for people to ask why we can't have a flat rate system. They may be asking for the wrong thing but given the state of our tax system every option should be on the table. So let's not kill the debate before it starts.


I'm not attempting to kill the debate - far from it. I made the point earlier that I suspect many UKIP supporters don't know much more about them than their views on the EU and immigration and some of them might not be so keen on them if they did. I introduced the subject of their taxation policy so we could see what UKIP supporters did actually know about it.


As they are taken more seriously as a party, all their policies will come under increasing scrutiny. This is as it should be. I hope we discuss their other policies going forward as well.

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I'm not attempting to kill the debate - far from it. I made the point earlier that I suspect many UKIP supporters don't know much more about them than their views on the EU and immigration and some of them might not be so keen on them if they did. I introduced the subject of their taxation policy so we could see what UKIP supporters did actually know about it.


As they are taken more seriously as a party, all their policies will come under increasing scrutiny. This is as it should be. I hope we discuss their other policies going forward as well.


Ok, apologies. I'm a stong believer that if a party is legal it should be given airtime to get its views across. The best thing that ever happened with the BNP was giving them a platform to get their views on the table. Once the public saw what they were really about it all but killed off the BNP.


If UKIP are a fraud then they'll be damaged too. As it is I could never support them but they have the capability to seriously ruffle the main parties and that is a good thing. If they have new ideas then all the better. And if they are asking questions that are obvious to many (like why no flat rate tax) then that is a good thing too. So yeah, I agree with you :)

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The best thing that ever happened with the BNP was giving them a platform to get their views on the table. :)


The views of the BNP have never been listened to, that is why, if you discuss the issue you get called racist; yet we have open boarders and a very large UKIP vote.

People vote UKIP because too many people come to this country - yet the politicains say they create wealth and good for the country.

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The views of the BNP have never been listened to, that is why, if you discuss the issue you get called racist; yet we have open boarders and a very large UKIP vote.

People vote UKIP because too many people come to this country - yet the politicains say they create wealth and good for the country.


How do you know the BNP have never been listened to?


We do not have open borders. For example, if we genuinely did there would be no such thing as an illegal immigrant in the UK.


I imagine people vote UKIP for many reasons, immigration control is one.


Which politicians are you referring to as they certainly do not all say the same thing?


Do you think there are no economic and cultural benefits to be had from immigration?



Here are a couple of articles to consider -


Sheffield's international students give £120m boost to local economy



How migrants helped make the NHS

The health service has always relied on an international workforce


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Here are a couple of articles to consider -


Sheffield's international students give £120m boost to local economy




I had that in my mind when I was writing the post. I am sure extra people coming into the country do add tax returns, but if you dont have enough housing in the first place, the housing bubble being a negative on public spending; then extra people coming into the country is a negative.


I am sure there are posatives. If you believe in climate change, which I do, then the planet is over populated, and so too is the UK.

I did like some of the protectionist policies of the BNP, but really a vote for the BNP was always a protest vote.

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Labour actually, :) and did I say I wasn't in agreement with higher rates of tax for high earners?


Really. Because oone of your earliers posts says;


No way would I vote Conservative, or Labour for that matter, Labour lost the plot with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown just confirmed it for me. As for Miliband he's just a joke like the lot of them. To them it's just a political game, instead of righting the Country they prefer to score political points against each other, that's after they've slagged each other off first.


There isn't a party that I'd vote for at the moment


So you may not be UKIP but a few years ago it was a tactic of BNP members to go on internet forums and say things like "I don't vote BNP but I've just looked on their website and now I think World War 3 would be a good idea".


---------- Post added 06-03-2013 at 08:17 ----------


The views of the BNP have never been listened to......


Eh? If that were true no one outside the BNP would know know what they stood for, including you. You then go on to explain what they stand for.


We have open borders for EU nationals but not for non-EU nationals. And it works both ways. British citizens can go and live in any EU country.

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I've always been a labour voter, I just blindly followed on from my parents (a stupid thing to do I know) & no despite what your saying I have absolutely no support for the bnp or any other right wing party. For the past year or so I've been looking at socialism and hoping that either labour will undergo a transformation and fight for the worker again, or another party will emerge that I can give my support to. In the past few years ive been through a lot of soul searching as regards politics, you sound very much like you,re a spin off from Gordon Browns labour party (they made a career out of slagging people off)

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I've always been a labour voter, I just blindly followed on from my parents (a stupid thing to do I know) & no despite what your saying I have absolutely no support for the bnp or any other right wing party. For the past year or so I've been looking at socialism and hoping that either labour will undergo a transformation and fight for the worker again, or another party will emerge that I can give my support to. In the past few years ive been through a lot of soul searching as regards politics, you sound very much like you,re a spin off from Gordon Browns labour party (they made a career out of slagging people off)


You were praising UKIP yesterday and today you're a socialist. Now there's confusion. UKIP are to the right of the Tory Party yet above you're saying you have no support for any right wing party despite advertising UKIP's tax policies on their website just a day or so ago.

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