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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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Thanks for that. It seems as if their economic policy is cut taxes and increase spending. How are they hoping to pay for all this increased spending when they haven't go as much money coming in?


Does the K in UKIP stand for Keynesian?

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I don't think it's meant as a temporary get out of the recession thing, I think it's their long term policy.


That seems to make sense if anything from UKIP can ever be considered permanent,other than Farage's ability to turn milk to yogurt.

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Goodness: a political position that's popular with the populus. That'd never do- or maybe it would.


Lower taxes and increased spending; pull out of the EU, but still allow imigration because it boosts the economy?

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UKIP does not object to immigration as such, merely to uncontrolled (and currently-uncontrollable) entry by any EU-European and much of the rest of the world. This is particularly so if the intending immigrant has no ties with the UK, is not a political-asylum seeker, and enters purely and simply to access UK benefit payments.

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Goodness: a political position that's popular with the populus. That'd never do- or maybe it would.


You've still got to come up with a realistic plan to pay for it - unless you intend to mismanage the economy more than Gordon Brown did.

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Goodness: a political position that's popular with the populus. That'd never do- or maybe it would.


it will appeal to some who accept incompatible policies without rational examination such as simultaneously cutting taxes and raising expenditure,or using the threat of immigration as an intellectual back-stop.

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Stopping EU immigration would save a lot too. Just wait for the Romanians and Bulgarians!


Someone should warn them what an unpleasant gang of xenophobes (UKIP) are waiting to make them unwelcome here. They probably have an outmoded notion of Britain as a friendly, tolerant place where people who want to improve their lives by working hard are welcome. Little do they know.


Stop scaremongering. And stop thinking in clichés.

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