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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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Leaving the EU would alone release very large amounts for UK re-use.

Stopping EU immigration would save a lot too. Just wait for the Romanians and Bulgarians!


The current UK EU contribution after our rebate is taken into account is about £10Bn a year. That is about half the extra UKIP are planning on spending on defence - let alone all the other extra spending they are proposing.


How are they going to make up the £50Bn shortfall in income tax revenues?

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I was chatting with Paul Blomfield MP recently about EU and he was at pains to keep pointing out to me that Sth Yorkshire were nett benefactors (as opposed to contributors) from the EU various funds & quangos.


Im not so sure this is something we should be really proud of.

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it will appeal to some who accept incompatible policies without rational examination such as simultaneously cutting taxes and raising expenditure,or using the threat of immigration as an intellectual back-stop.


Exactly, it seems to me that the only unifying principle underscoring UKIP policies is opportunism. Rather than an actual political philosophy they make a spurious claim to libertarianism without being able to define it and grab greedily at any random issue that may have a few votes attached before stuffing it into a manifesto that is looking increasing like a political patchwork quilt.

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I was chatting with Paul Blomfield MP recently about EU and he was at pains to keep pointing out to me that Sth Yorkshire were nett benefactors (as opposed to contributors) from the EU various funds & quangos.


Im not so sure this is something we should be really proud of.


It may not be something to be proud of but it's surely worth bearing in mind when considering whether to remain in the EU or not.

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Goodness: a political position that's popular with the populus. That'd never do- or maybe it would.


You're confusing populist and popular. As you yourself only got 652 votes, or 1.6%, at the last general election you're not exactly Mr Popular yourself.


UKIP does not object to immigration as such, merely to uncontrolled (and currently-uncontrollable) entry by any EU-European and much of the rest of the world. This is particularly so if the intending immigrant has no ties with the UK, is not a political-asylum seeker, and enters purely and simply to access UK benefit payments.


It's not just EU citizens. It's EEA citizens and those of Switzerland. If UKIP wanted to stop uncontrolled EU migration it would have to take the UK out of the EEA despite its claims that it wants us to be like Norway and Switzerland. Taking the UK out of the EEA would be an economic disaster. Keeping us in it would not prevent uncontrolled EU migration. Migration is also a two-way street.




Leaving the EU would alone release very large amounts for UK re-use.

Stopping EU immigration would save a lot too. Just wait for the Romanians and Bulgarians!


Another UKIP lie. Bulgarians and Romanians already have the right to live here uncontrolled. It is their work status that is controlled and about to become uncontrolled.

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The current UK EU contribution after our rebate is taken into account is about £10Bn a year. That is about half the extra UKIP are planning on spending on defence - let alone all the other extra spending they are proposing.


How are they going to make up the £50Bn shortfall in income tax revenues?


Remind us how the last lot in power did with making up shortfalls, and how the present lot are doing it.

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I doubt UKIP would stick to their commitment on defence spending which is quite outlandish. All parties make spending commitments in opposition, some quite laughable, only to find they can't deliver. I believe one party committed to free university education in 2010, then in government admitted the money wasn't there to fund it.


---------- Post added 06-03-2013 at 21:33 ----------


Leaving the EU would alone release very large amounts for UK re-use.

Stopping EU immigration would save a lot too. Just wait for the Romanians and Bulgarians!


Lifting of the transitional controls on labour from Romania and Bulgaria is going to be a gift for UKIP ahead of a general election, they couldn't have asked for better timing. And by the time of the 2015 general election, it will be UKIP along with Migration Watch saying "told you so".

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So it would be okay for UKIP to have a massive deficit because Lab-Lib-Con did? How does that UKIP different?


It doesn't so why are you decrying those who are by your reckoning no different from the rest.


The local big issue seller could have run the country better than the last lot.

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