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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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You're confusing populist and popular. As you yourself only got 652 votes, or 1.6%, at the last general election you're not exactly Mr Popular yourself.

On the contrary: I believe in democracy and in being known.

You, anonymous, don't believe in being known (and seem to have doubts about democracy too!)

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On the contrary: I believe in democracy and in being known.

You, anonymous, don't believe in being known (and seem to have doubts about democracy too!)


Which hardly answers my point. You made out that being populist was the same as being popular. I pointed out that in your case it didn't. You can point out my doubts about democracy if you like.

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Which hardly answers my point. You made out that being populist was the same as being popular. I pointed out that in your case it didn't. You can point out my doubts about democracy if you like.

Nor did you answer mine re anonymity. Head above parapet, anyone?

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On the contrary: I believe in democracy and in being known.

You, anonymous, don't believe in being known (and seem to have doubts about democracy too!)


You have not differentiated between popular and populist,which suggests you think the two terms are synonyms.Its a bit risky to enter politics without a full grasp of nomenclature.

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Many voters are disaffected from the parties for which they previously voted.

Protest votes (i.e. 'against' Conservative or Labour) used to go to LDP.

Now, that seems increasingly unlikely- Huhn, Rennard, etc., you see.

So UKIP might well benefit. But we won't know to what extent until tomorrow.


[Yes, yes: disclosure- I am a UKIP supporter]


Doesn't every party , whichever , come out with a load of crap as to 'why the electorate have voted the way they have ' instead of being honest and saying that we none of listen to the electorate . Or is that being pessimistic ?

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Er, because you picked on me? Biters rarely like to be bitten.


It appears that you are the one who feels bitten .Or are you just paranoid . I wasn't looking at your political affiliations . My comment was just a general one . It was directed at Labour , tory's libs . The whole kit and kaboogle .

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It appears that you are the one who feels bitten .Or are you just paranoid . I wasn't looking at your political affiliations . My comment was just a general one . It was directed at Labour , tory's libs . The whole kit and kaboogle .


Fair comment.

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