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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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• Commissioners in Brussels dictate 75% of our laws. None can be repealed by Parliament. We cannot vote for those who make these laws – we cannot remove them.


• Take 4.5 million of low incomes out of tax altogether with a simple, flat rate income tax. With a threshold set at minimum wage.


• Financial services yield £61bn in tax revenues or 12% of the UK total. Exclude the City from EU controls.


• The tide of mass EU immigration has pushed down wages and restricted job opportunities. Only by leaving the EU can we regain control of our borders.


• Freeze permanent immigration for 5 years. Immigrants must be fluent in English, have minimum education levels and show they can financially support themselves.


• Our traditional values have been undermined. Children are taught to be ashamed of our past. Multiculturalism has split our society. Political correctness is stifling free speech.


• End the ban on smoking in allocated rooms in public houses, clubs and hotels.


To shore up the collapsing Euro.......


I oppose most of the UKIP policies but have singled out just some of it to avoid having to write a Phd thesis in response.


Commissioners do not dictate our laws, whatever percentage of it that comes from the EU. The power in the EU is split between the Commission (whose members are appointed by member states), the European Parliament elected by universal suffrage in each member state, loads of Ministers Councils made up of elected MPs from across the EU, and EU summits that are run by heads of member governments. To say that the EU is only about the Commission is like saying British government is all about a few civil servants in Whitehall.


A flat rate tax means that all income over a threshold will attract the same tax rate i.e. someone one £1,000,000 will pay the same rate as someone on £15,000. That is a regressive policy that will benefit the richest most.


Lack of regulation of finance gave us the 2008 banking crash. The EU is fighting Cameron, Osborne and UKIP on this one and is right to do so. Less regulation means more financial collapse when greed leads to a massive crash.


Only by leaving the EEA, not just the EU, will we be able to control our borders. Leaving the EEA would isolate us in terms of trade from all of western and central Europe apart from Vatican City.


Why the insistence on English? Has it held the USA back, being the world's largest economy? And why minimum levels of education when there is a lot of unskilled work that needs to be done that native Britons won't do?


Our traditional values - by that UKIP means the Empire - involved a lot of invading and murder. Children are not taught to be ashamed of all our past. They are taught not to still live in the 50s as UKIP does.


Ending the smoking ban will only get you the support of alcoholics with cancer.


The collapsing Euro? A couple of weeks ago a pound bought 1.20 euros. Today it buys about 1.14.

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I oppose most of the UKIP policies but have singled out just some of it to avoid having to write a Phd thesis in response.


Commissioners do not dictate our laws, whatever percentage of it that comes from the EU. The power in the EU is split between the Commission (whose members are appointed by member states), the European Parliament elected by universal suffrage in each member state, loads of Ministers Councils made up of elected MPs from across the EU, and EU summits that are run by heads of member governments. To say that the EU is only about the Commission is like saying British government is all about a few civil servants in Whitehall.


A flat rate tax means that all income over a threshold will attract the same tax rate i.e. someone one £1,000,000 will pay the same rate as someone on £15,000. That is a regressive policy that will benefit the richest most.


Lack of regulation of finance gave us the 2008 banking crash. The EU is fighting Cameron, Osborne and UKIP on this one and is right to do so. Less regulation means more financial collapse when greed leads to a massive crash.


Only by leaving the EEA, not just the EU, will we be able to control our borders. Leaving the EEA would isolate us in terms of trade from all of western and central Europe apart from Vatican City.


Why the insistence on English? Has it held the USA back, being the world's largest economy? And why minimum levels of education when there is a lot of unskilled work that needs to be done that native Britons won't do?


Our traditional values - by that UKIP means the Empire - involved a lot of invading and murder. Children are not taught to be ashamed of all our past. They are taught not to still live in the 50s as UKIP does.


Ending the smoking ban will only get you the support of alcoholics with cancer.


The collapsing Euro? A couple of weeks ago a pound bought 1.20 euros. Today it buys about 1.14.


:clap:- Time will tell

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Far be it for me to stick up for Jeff, I'm sure he can do that himself, I don't think he's done anything wrong...You're all just trying to muddy the water and discredit UKIP at any opportunity...it don't wash...


You are perfectly at liberty to set your standards at as high or as low a level as you deem fit.


My point is should somebody aspire to political office, be it at a local or national level , then, in order to secure any allegiance from me, I would expect more than using unnecessary sarcasm, playing to the gallery and bickering about being picked on when discussing political issues relating to the party they seek to represent. No matter which party that may be.

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You are perfectly at liberty to set your standards at as high or as low a level as you deem fit.


My point is should somebody aspire to political office, be it at a local or national level , then, in order to secure any allegiance from me, I would expect more than using unnecessary sarcasm, playing to the gallery and bickering about being picked on when discussing political issues relating to the party they seek to represent. No matter which party that may be.


I've seen far worse from politicians and councillors on all sides so I imagine none of them get your support. :)

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Switzerland is not part of the EU or EEA (but is a member of the EFTA) and still manages to trade with the rest of Europe perfectly well.


That is true. But Switzerland has adopted some EU legislation concerning trade; http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/switzerland/ and there are over 100 bilateral trade agreements between the EU and the Swiss.


As far as immigration goes its citizens can come and go here as they please. http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/. So withdrawal from the EU would not affect that. The only way UKIP could stop that would be isolation which would damage trade.


Two other articles here;




"A second MEP claims she was asked by Farage to secure an assistant for his 2010 general election campaign using money from Brussels, in breach of strict EU regulations. Marta Andreasen, who also left Ukip – joining the Conservatives last month – says Farage told her women of childbearing age should not work because they are "a burden to their companies".




".....West Yorkshire branch of the far-right English Defence League declared its support for Ukip and one member, John Emms, complained on Ukip's official web forum that the British National party was "subject to persecution by the Political Correction Liberal Left thugs".


Other people in the EDL include these three sieg-heiling White Power Nazis;




This week Farage met with Rupert Murdoch to discuss an electoral pact with the Tories after the next general election;



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Like at the last general election many people said they would vote for the Lib/Dems but when the time came resorted to their traditional parties.

I think UKIP are increasing their support and from his appearances on Question Time Nigel Farage has appeared to give honest answers and opinions and not just gone along with the non controversial line.

So to answer the question I think it is possible that UKIP could win.


I agree that Farage appears to be refreshingly honest and open, but we need to wait and see what talents his team has before we put all our eggs in his basket.

Personally I have voted UKIP to needle the other parties and show them that I am disatisfied with their disregard for the disadvantaged.

But I have to add that I have been very impressed with Nick Clegg, when I have had occassion to write to him.

The problem with all politicians when they get into 'power' is that they realise they can't act on their own initiative and speak up for their constituants but have to toe the Party line and jump to the bidding of their Masters the Corporate/Monied Elite, or they are discredited and OUT..

Doesn't matter who is in Government... it's the same Puppet Masters pulling their strings. IMHO

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On Question Time last night the union leader, Daily Mail columnist and UKIP rep were in agreement on certain matters whilst the Labour and Conservatives reps bickered on.

I was impressed with Nick Clegg before the last election find it distasteful how he has been pilloried.

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The EU also forced the UK to stop dumping raw sewage straight into rivers and seas and forced them to clean up the beaches.


I wonder what they did with Kos/Greece stock piling rotting appliances in the mountains and the beaches covered in shipping waste? But then I did visit just before the Tourist Season was due to start. And where 'did' the Horse Meat come from?


---------- Post added 08-03-2013 at 17:38 ----------


On Question Time last night the union leader, Daily Mail columnist and UKIP rep were in agreement on certain matters whilst the Labour and Conservatives reps bickered on.

I was impressed with Nick Clegg before the last election find it distasteful how he has been pilloried for matters out of his control.


Hi Harvey,

Yes I thought that was striking; Melanie Philips defending UKIP......and I felt the Union guy spoke absolute sense too.:o

I happen to like Nick Clegg and believe he's worked hard for all of Sheffield? And I get sick of the garbage thrown at him... although I was disappointed that he got into bed with the Conservatives, and told him so. But what was the option?

I wonder what the people slagging him would do in his shoes? I know that given his salary and position, I would have been looking to get my children the best education possible, no bones about that. The better start they have, the more chances they have in this world.

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