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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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No def the politics of hate. The left are often quite hateful in their language and the manner they put it. The horrible girl on QT prime example.



I would agree with Max, the politics of hate have long been associated with the far-right in this country.

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They deliberately pick the audience to ensure a balanced cross section of people. The application form to be in the audience is here which asks about party membership.


Before we get the predictable accusations that it's so they can hand pick a left wing audience, here's right wing commentator James Delingpole's description of his experience of appearing on the programme.


Thanks, interesting stuff. I'm still struggling to see anything untoward in Amy Rutland's appearance on the show.

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Not really. The pogroms were Tsarist. Lenin was of Jewish descent, and Trotsky was directly Jewish.



Oddly the world sees it somewhat differently from you.




"Even though many of the Old Bolsheviks were ethnically Jewish, they sought to uproot Judaism and Zionism and established the Yevsektsiya to achieve this goal. By the end of the 1940s the Communist leadership of the former USSR had liquidated almost all Jewish organizations, with the exception of a few token synagogues. These synagogues were then placed under police surveillance, both openly and through the use of informants.


The campaign of 1948-1953 against so-called "rootless cosmopolitans," the alleged "Doctors' plot," the rise of "Zionology" and subsequent activities of official organizations such as the Anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet public were officially carried out under the banner of "anti-Zionism,", and by the mid-1950s the state persecution of Soviet Jews emerged as a major human rights issue in the West and domestically."

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She was an audience plant! Why did the BBC attempt to portray her as "an ordinary member of the public" when she works for Labour?

What do you think of James Delingpole's description of his experience of appearing on the programme?

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She was an audience plant! Why did the BBC attempt to portray her as "an ordinary member of the public" when she works for Labour?


As much as i believe there is a lot of BBC bias (Craig Murray in his latest blogs has some insightful information), not for a moment do i believe she was planted by the Beeb.


Ive applied for QT myself on several occasions, as i would surmise had she. Could you possibly imagine how many people would have to be in the cover ups if there were plants in the audience? Give over...

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Oddly the world sees it somewhat differently from you.

No they don't. The pogroms were still Tsarist, whatever snippet of encyclopedia you may choose to quote; and there were no strong anti-semitic movements within the USSR. The White Army in Russia were notably intolerant of Judaism - going as far as being the precursor the what came next in Europe.


The abuse of human rights within the USSR is a seperate matter, and wasn't solely defined to harming Jewish people. That special award goes to fascism. :)


If you'd like to learn more, the books of Isaak Babel are very good.

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He's entitled to his opinion but I beleive he is WRONG.

Fair enough. He has a history of criticising the BBC and accusing it of bias and after being on the programme has decided Question Time is not biased. You haven't even been in the audience. I know who's opinion I'll consider to be more likely correct.

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