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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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Finally voters show their disgust at the major parties, giving the conservatives a good beating and running the Lib dems pretty close, it seems the electorate may finally be waking up and saying "enough is enough" it seems only UKIP has the balls to say what the majority of people in this country think, which is no more unfettered immigration, no more open door migration from euro states and our wholesale withdrawal from the financial ties of the european parliment which includes£75 million a day to europe and in foreign aid, if someone was writing a story on how not to run a country it would probably go along the lines of what we have now,mostly inherited from the liebour years and tony Bliar.


Relax, it certainly doesn't. UKIP says what a sizeable minority of paranoid xenophobic Fail reading illiberal bores think.

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Lets hope UKIP pull it off,its whats needed right now the old failed parties have lost any credibility.


I would like to see the UKIP member pull it off,and then they can implement all those polices

1.Leave the EU



4.see no 1


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 08:20 ----------


Finally voters show their disgust at the major parties, giving the conservatives a good beating and running the Lib dems pretty close, it seems the electorate may finally be waking up and saying "enough is enough" it seems only UKIP has the balls to say what the majority of people in this country think, which is no more unfettered immigration, no more open door migration from euro states and our wholesale withdrawal from the financial ties of the european parliment which includes£75 million a day to europe and in foreign aid, if someone was writing a story on how not to run a country it would probably go along the lines of what we have now,mostly inherited from the liebour years and tony Bliar.


Apparently UKIP are advocating the renaissance of punctuation.

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.....it seems the electorate may finally be waking up and saying "enough is enough" it seems only UKIP has the balls to say what the majority of people in this country think, which is no more unfettered immigration, no more open door migration from euro states and our wholesale withdrawal from the financial ties of the european parliment .....


UKIP got under 30% whereas Labour, Lib-Dems and Tories who all support staying in the EU got nearly 70% between them. That's hardly a resounding call for withdrawal from the EU especially when the Lib-Dems are massively unpopular at the moment. The Lib-Dems were the big winners. UKIP picked up a good protest vote but it needs to start winning seats locally and nationally to avoid being little other than a protest party.

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Relax, it certainly doesn't. UKIP says what a sizeable minority of paranoid xenophobic Fail reading illiberal bores think.


well you would say that wouldnt you, left wing all inclusive socialist worker readers saviours of our world:roll::roll: but seriously you are not in the real world, get out a bit more speak to people, the only reason cameron hasnt held a referendum now is because he knows the vote would be an overwhelming "yes" to getting out of europe.

watch the next few bye elections and then the general election we will soon see what the public wants!


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 08:28 ----------


I would like to see the UKIP member pull it off,and then they can implement all those polices

1.Leave the EU



4.see no 1


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 08:20 ----------



Apparently UKIP are advocating the renaissance of punctuation.


hey dont hold back!!! is that the best you can do?


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 08:31 ----------


UKIP got under 30% whereas Labour, Lib-Dems and Tories who all support staying in the EU got nearly 70% between them. That's hardly a resounding call for withdrawal from the EU especially when the Lib-Dems are massively unpopular at the moment. The Lib-Dems were the big winners. UKIP picked up a good protest vote but it needs to start winning seats locally and nationally to avoid being little other than a protest party.


near to 30% of the vote a few years ago would have been unheard of for a new small party, momentum is growing and will grow.

as for the lib dem voters they dont really know what they want!!

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The Conservatives now have to hope that there are no by-elections in this parliament in any of their marginally-held seats. Because if there are UKIP could stand a massive genuine chance of beating them.


Other thing to note is we often talk about tribal dyed in the wool Labour and Tory voters, people who vote for those parties for the sake of it and never will do anything else. It seems that LibDems have a few strongholds like that too and I hadn't realised just how strong that loyalty is - their party has been beset by sex, financial and criminal scandals and has helped deliver some of the most ill-concieved national policy changes ever but still their drone voters will get them elected in some places.

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terrible result for the Tories and it now looks as if Eastleigh is pretty much beyond their grasp in the next election. It is the only one of the celebrated massive by-election losses of natural Tory seats they suffered to the Lib Dems in the 1992-97 parliament (Newbury and Christchurch being the other two) that they have not got back. Easteigh is the kind of seat you must expect the Tories to have in their column if they are ever going to get a majority again.

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I think UKIP are drawing support from all of the main party voters whether left or right wing of politics.


Looks that way. Thing to remember is that the left wing has its fair share of Euro-sceptics. In fact labour were the original Euro-sceptics, with swathes of the party strongly opposing further EEC integration all the way into the 80s until Kinnock got his grubby little fingers on the party.


Edit: and just to add that concern about immigration is not restricted to the right-wing either. UKIP is pushing the buttons with all sections of the electorate over that issue as well as Europe.

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Relax, it certainly doesn't. UKIP says what a sizeable minority of paranoid xenophobic Fail reading illiberal bores think.


So which part of their aims and policies are xenophobic Halibut?

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