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UKIP and the Eastleigh by election - results now in


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If you are developing an argument you need to be selective,and thanks for stating my views conform to the political consensus.It does look like you are adopting an extreme position,and have had to bring Islam into play for some reason.You seem to have a negative view of etnic groups.Would you say Australia has a high murder rate?Would you agree it has an ethnic mix?


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 12:58 ----------



I can read this last sentence but I am having trouble understanding it.Are you an immigrant by any chance?


With your level of understanding I'm becoming convinced you may be.

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In addition the USA experienced high levels of immigration for 200 ears and it became affluent.


Have you not though that maybe that has to do with its size?


USA = 9,827,000 km²


UK = 243,600 km²


We are already suffering from high levels of immigration for our size and its expected to increase. All that when we also have high levels of unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing.

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Thanks but if you don't mind I'd prefer that my surgeon came from a nice ivy clad red brick university than plucked from a youth training scheme.


Me too. I think we allow far too many medical personel to come from places where they have substandard education and a poor understanding of the English language.

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And what of those who come from underprivileged country's, I'd say you've just shot youself in the foot, see a doctor but make sure of where it comes from,

wouldn't want you mixing with the peasants.


Shot myself in the foot? The doctors coming from 'underprivileged countries are highly likely to have been educated privately (many of them in the UK) and be amongst the wealthiest from their countries. Believe me not many African peasants are going to medical school.


---------- Post added 01-03-2013 at 14:00 ----------


Me too. I think we allow far too many medical personel to come from places where they have substandard education and a poor understanding of the English language.


That sentiment could equally apply to many of the indigenous

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That sentiment could equally apply to many of the indigenous


????????????????????? Do you seriously believe it is possible to graduate from a British university with a medical degree if you can't speak or understand English?

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????????????????????? Do you seriously believe it is possible to graduate from a British university with a medical degree if you can't speak or understand English?


No, but if you've followed the thread you'll have seen that another poster was advocating drawing medical personnel from youth training schemes.


Incidentally, many of the students graduating in medicine from British universities are foreigners who then go on to take their first contracts in British hospitals.

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Isn't the USA's wealth down to a vast country who's new population exploited the countries mineral and oil wealth.


Immigration induces murder due to tension between the ethnic groups. You only have to look to the middle east to see how anyone who doesn't conform to the correct brand of Islam becomes a target for the extremists.


The USA's wealth is due to the size of its population doing a lot of work. It has always been a multi-racial society and without immigration wouldn't be a blip on world economic figures.


If you think Islam alone has internal tension then have a walk down the Falls Road wearing an orange sash and bowler hat.


So why do you assume that the murder rate isn't down to immigration but the economy is? Norway & Switzerland have a far higher per capita income than the USA without massive amounts of immigration or murders. South & Central America on the other hand have massive amounts of immigration, very high murder rates and by and large pretty rubbish economies.


South and Central America have high levels of immigration? The shootings in the favelas in Rio are due to immigrants? Really? And why did you not blame all the crime in South and Central America on Christianity?


How do you know that?


Are you seriously saying there is no link between gun ownership and gun crime?


I thought David Cameron had promised a vote on EU membership. So that would lump him in with the UKIP "get us out of Europe party".


No it wouldn't. Cameron promised a referendum to ease the pressure on him from eurosceptics in his own party and UKIP. He has said he'll campaign and vote to stay in the EU.

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Me too. I think we allow far too many medical personel to come from places where they have substandard education and a poor understanding of the English language.


I agree it’s time we trained our own instead of going for the cheap option.


The vast majority of doctors who have been struck off in the past five years were trained abroad, new figures from the General Medical Council show.


FOREIGN doctors trained abroad are five times more likely to be struck off than those who learn their craft in the UK, shock new figures show.


Nigeria-Trained Doctors Rank 2nd on UK Blacklist | India-Trained Doctors Rank 1st,

Recent statistics released by the UK General Medical Council reveals an unpleasant reputation for Nigeria-trained doctors practising in the United Kingdom. India-trained doctors top the list of foreign-trained doctors to be struck off the GMC register in the past five years and Nigeria-trained doctors rank second. Egypt trained doctors rank third on the list.


Foreign physicians in the UK will face a more rigorous assessment, after figures showed that the vast majority of doctors who have been struck off were trained abroad, especially in countries like India. -

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