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A Call From The Past!

old tup

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I,ve just come back indoors after taking advantage of the lovely sunshine to do a bit of gardening with the one who must be obeyed.Whilst raking the front lawn we heard a strange noise in the distance,it sounded like a muslim call to prayer,the same words repeated over and over through a loudspeaker.As it came nearer we could make it out ,a call I haven,t heard since I was a young Tup in the 50s"Any old iron,any old iron"it sounded like it was on the east side of Mosborough Moor ,has anyone else heard it or am I hearing things?.:huh::confused::help:

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It will be the ****'s in their white transit pick up loaded with old radiators, rotary airers and various rubbish. Three of them sat in the front. I've heard a few times before. Watch them as they take a look down your drive so see what they can take, I've seen them do that on a number of occasions and told them to do one!

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