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Moving to Sheffield, won't know anyone


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Ha, none taken. No none of my friends like shouty music, they all like whiney women singing about heartache, acoustic twiddleedee music played by men with beards, or new-fangled doof doof doof music that has no proper tune.


Hmm not sure how old I come across.. though I suspect adding \m/ (-_-) \m/ lowered my virtual age by a smidge.


There were folk at the gig tonite wearing flatcaps... only in Yorkshire!

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That's good then! Lol, I don't like Whiney music, it's horrendous lol.


I had you pegged as mid 20's lol.


Lol, flat caps lol. I'd never wear one myself lol. They seem all the rage at the mo though!

I only wear beanie hats and baseball caps. They're the only ones that suit me lol.

Perhaps ill try a trilby lol

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Try a cowboy hat - there was one of those there too!


Some random guy in the street the other day tried to guess my age and put it at mid twenties, though i believe that's one of the lesser known chugger tactics.


I don't know why - its not like i belt my jeans under my pants, or back-comb my hair up into a georgian bee-hive. *tut* youths! :roll:

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Oh yes, I seem to attract off duty chuggers like iron filings to a magnet. I like to think its because I appear friendly and approachable, but really its because they don't understand sarcasm. Its not part of their training.


I use to have an ace hat that was pixie style long and woolly and stripey like dennis the menace and I left it on a 97 bus and never saw it again *sniff*


Early to mid 30's; i can drive and vote and i have a job and everything, I is proper well grown up.

I peg you at late 20's for ducking hehe

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Hahaha, maybe you just have one of those faces? Lol.


I guess that sarcasm is only available to us cleverer folks lol.


Poor hat, but think of the adventure it had on the 97 bus! Don't mourn it, celebrate it :).


Hahaha, I'm 31, I just like to be polite, and you know a ladies age is always a taboo subject lol

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I dont talk about the hat without looking whistfully out the window, pausing momentarily to think about what became of it. It could never be replaced, mainly because man on christmas market had none more like it.


I'm 34, and I haven't drank taboo in years! as i recall it was like mad-dog 20/20 but less with less of a toilet cleaning after taste. Fashionable in the 80's i believe as it helped grow shoulder-pads.

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I wasnt meant to be moving to Sheffield, I was meant to be going to Leeds to be with my now ex gf. Im totally miserable anyway now.




Id have to find a trust worthy dog walker, but I dont know of any safe areas nearer the city?


|If you were meant to be moving to L****s you've had a lucky escape. Settle down here and find yourself a girlfriend from among the thousands of fantastic potential partners in this city...(wish i could do the same LOL )

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