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The Brigade Brigade


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If there's one thing that causes my heart to sink when I'm perusing a thread, it's the inevitable mention of "The X Brigade".


Whether it's the "PC Brigade", the "Leftie Hand-wringing Brigade", the "String 'Em Up Brigade", you can be assured that a thread will take a turn for the tedious as soon as someone accuses someone else of being part of one of these imaginary organisations.


I'm thinking that if these supposed societies got themselves organised, with uniforms, logos and maybe liveried vehicles, then the brigade-accusers might have something to really post about?

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If there's one thing that causes my heart to sink when I'm perusing a thread, it's the inevitable mention of "The X Brigade".


Whether it's the "PC Brigade", the "Leftie Hand-wringing Brigade", the "String 'Em Up Brigade", you can be assured that a thread will take a turn for the tedious as soon as someone accuses someone else of being part of one of these imaginary organisations.


I'm thinking that if these supposed societies got themselves organised, with uniforms, logos and maybe liveried vehicles, then the brigade-accusers might have something to really post about?


Well said. You get a Like from me.

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Oh goody, here comes the assumption Brigade, just because I'm anti the anti Brigade Brigade doesn't mean I'm a member of the pro Brigade Brigade. :rolleyes:


Typical of the fence sitting Brigade Brigade to waver between the pro Brigade Brigade and the anti Brigade Brigade.


The only language they understand is too good for them! :mad:

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You're all wrong, of course.


A brigade, by definition,is part of an army and none of the causes above have an army.


Bloody talking nonsense brigade...


I didn't think it'd be too long before the Pedants Brigade turned up, led by Which Tyler, of course.

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