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Advice needed conserning suspected sex offender

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... I asked for advice on how to deal with it some of you think it's a joke what if it was in your street/village ....
It is on our streets/villages, just because the names and addresses of sex offenders isn't published doesn't mean my next neighbour isn't one.


You've been given advice (speak to the police and coach your children so they don't become over familiar with strangers), you've also had the risks highlighted to you, so you can place your fear into a rational context.


The problem with naming paedophiles and where they live is that the people in our communities who are into 'witch hunts' are not only likely to take the law into their own hands but also pour petrol through an innocent person's letterbox...and it could be yours when you and your children are sleeping.

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It's my first time on here And have not got a good impression I am not joining no witch hunt and I typed his name in I am not going to plaster it all over else I would be causing a witch hunt ... I simply asked for advice on what to do and how to find out the truth I got that of one actual decent comment and have had nothing but verbal since ... I have the picture and details saved on my phone but as I have only just joined I don't know how to post them To prove my so called evidence so thanks a lot u helpful people

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