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Why do people have to wait for a long time before going to trial?

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It must be terribly stressful for people who are charged with an offence to have to wait months before their trial, especially if they can't afford bail - is their a limit to how long they must wait?


By the same token, just think of the stress their victims are going through

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What brought the question to mind was the cases of abuse which date back to the sixties, can't mention names but some of the charged are so old it's a wonder they don't have heart attacks


Now I get your drift, I cannot really give a succinct answer TBH

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I always thought it was to do with dotting the i's and crossing the t's. Just making sure that every little thing had been covered.


I was once involved in something, as a witness, the police were telling me the incident happened on a Tuesday, it was a Wednesday. I convinced them in the end but something like that can get the most serious of crimes aquitted.

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Cressida, bail is not based on cost. No bail is based on monetary value, it's based on public safety, the suspects recidivism rate, whether he/she will flee/ appear at court, the probability of a long sentence following a serious crime and a whole plethora of other factors.

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