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What was the Corn Exchange?

B Fox

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I remember my mother telling me that she married my father at the Corn Exchange in 1942,could this be true was this the place of the registrar in those days?.:confused::help:
Yes indeed - the Register Office was in the 'Corn Exchange Buldings'. Here is a scan from the 1942 directory. .:)
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The Corne Exchange, dating from the 1830s, was an attractive building, demolished in a 1960s act of vandalism. Yes - there had been a fire some years earlier, but surely it could have been saved..:|.



The fire was in Jan/Feb 1947. Can't remember what the cause was but it occured in the coldest part of a very extreme winter.


The Fire Brigade: Yes! that's what they were called back then, had a hell of a time fighting it. Huge icicles hung from the building for days after.


The Registry Office had been using the main hall which was totally destroyed, leaving them homeless. That is, until they found the place on Surrey Street.


Some of the other business around the outside of the building kept going until the demolition: Remember Kidders Cafe and the Maunche P.H. The cellars underneath were in use until the end as well.


Don't forget the Boatmen's Mission and Sunday School that was also in the building.



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Remember this impressive Tudor style building which stood where Park Square is now. It was a ruin in the 1960s, fire damage I think.

I vaguely remember seeing this big old building when my mother used to take me to the market opposite as a four year old.

For anyone who isn't aware of 'Picture Sheffield' and would like to see photos of the Corn Exchange click on....http://www.picturesheffield.co.uk and type corn exchange in the search box. You may have to then click for full screen to find the go button. I often wonder if this is of help to anyone, so please let me know.

Regards, Peter.

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The corn exchange as i remember it had two or maybe four huge marble pillars at the entrance. can you confirm this or am i dreaming.

I remember standing outside with my dad who worked in the market at that time.I always marvelled at them whenever i was down there and relate this to my sons.This building was an architectural marvel albeit ruined.


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