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Should poor people really have children?

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People ought to sit back and think about this one, everyone no matter of race, creed or monetary background is allowed to procreate.


Yes some are irresponsible and just carry on having them, but some do get in bad way through sheer bad luck, people having a pop at those on benefits ought to think, there but for the grace of god.


It seems to me that people seem to think that only poor people have kids, sorry they don't the rich do also, and trust me they produce bigger wastes on the economy than most...Edward & Andrew spring immediately to mind.


This government is doing its utmost best to get the have nots, much less, and the haves oh so much more.

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People ought to sit back and think about this one, everyone no matter of race, creed or monetary background is allowed to procreate.


Yes some are irresponsible and just carry on having them, but some do get in bad way through sheer bad luck, people having a pop at those on benefits ought to think, there but for the grace of god.


It seems to me that people seem to think that only poor people have kids, sorry they don't the rich do also, and trust me they produce bigger wastes on the economy than most...Edward & Andrew spring immediately to mind.


This government is doing its utmost best to get the have nots, much less, and the haves oh so much more.


Why them specifically?

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Do you think people who are on benefits or very low income have kids If they can't afford to bring them up without benefits?


Ok people loose their jobs etc through no fault of their own but I am talking about people who are already on the breadline.


Personally I think they shouldnt get any handouts if they are already claiming benefits when they get a bun in the oven


When you talk about people who can afford to bring their children up without benefits, do you also include the state run schools and the NHS?

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No doubt the people who want to stop poor white people having kids are the same people who are upset when they hear about British cities becoming more and more ethnic.


It's often the trouble with right-wingers. So often then just cannot join the dots. They process one simplistic argument at a time.

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Yes, they should be allowed to have kids; but what can happen is that the parents get money to help them raise them. But it gets spent on wide screen TVs and not on swimming or spanish lessons.


They get free school meals, why not reduce benefits and give more freebies, but for everyone?


Have you lost your finger El Cid?

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Do you think people who are on benefits or very low income have kids If they can't afford to bring them up without benefits?


Ok people loose their jobs etc through no fault of their own but I am talking about people who are already on the breadline.


Personally I think they shouldnt get any handouts if they are already claiming benefits when they get a bun in the oven


Whose going to wipe your arse when you're senile, pay up and be happy.

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Why them specifically?


Just off the top of my head I had to think of two total wastes of space, can I help it if they won. Lots of people slag off freeloaders on benefits, these 2 especially Andrew are the worst at abusing the public purse.

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I think every1 has the right to have kids weather your loaded or skint, love comes free and I bet a lot of kids with less money are happier & closer than the 1s with too much & we take a lot of people into this country & pay for them so kids would be my last debate


wrong 7 billion people and rising- no one has the RIGHT to destroy the planet, rich or poor no one should have more than 2 kids-therefore benefits should reflect that.

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Why them specifically?


Well firstly Andrew worked for a living he served in the Fauklands war. Now I dont agree with that war but respect people that fought in it. He captained a Ship I believe.


However mentioning the royal family is an interesting turn in this debate. As most of them are on benefits. We pay them to sit around all day. Its just because of an accident of birth they get more benefits than others.

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God has made it too easy for people to reproduce. I think Charles Darwin got a bit too involved and then Dawkins got in on the act with his 'selfish gene' theory. The world population is spinning out of control and we need to act now. I think UKIP should introduce a bill that bans fertilisation of an egg until a couple have spent a year in each other's company. That would be a vote-clincher for me.

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